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"Ready?" Taylor asked me as she left the bathroom.
I was finally discharged from the hospital at 3 so taylor and I had around 2 hours to get ready for my parents dinner party. She decided to just get ready at my house and borrow some clothes from my closet. Scarlett said my parents would be more accepting of me so i'm hoping it will be okay, i really miss being around them even if they treated me like shit before

"i guess" i said grabbing my bag in the process, i walked over to the closet and grabbed a sweatshirt to wear

"hey" she walked over to me and grabbed my hands, i looked up into her eyes,
"it will be okay, we can leave anytime"

i let out a breath, "okay"
i walked over and grabbed my keys from the bowl by the front door

"no" i heard taylor say from behind me

"what?" i was a little confused to what she was talking about, i turned around to see her handing sticking out in front of her

"you're not driving, give me the keys"

i knew i wouldn't win with her so i gave up, "fine"
i said as i placed the keys into her hand, i opened the front door for her and we both walked out

We walked down to the garage and hopped in the car, i put the gps on so taylor could find her way to my parents house, it wasn't a long drive to their house. Taylor put the radio on at a low volume, she decided to put on the beatles. After a short drive to my parents house, taylor parked the car in the driveway and we sat in silence once again.

"we can leave anytime, just say the word. okay?"

"yeah" i let out a sigh
"let's get this over with"

"is rose gonna be here?" taylor asked as we walked up the short path to the front door

"yeah i think so, why?"

"i have to ask her what kind of cat she wants for her birthday"

"taylor, you are not getting her a cat"

"i have to, i said i would" she said as i knocked on the door

"no you don't, scarlett might actually kill you"

before taylor could respond the door opened and it revealed my mother, she didn't look that much different from the last time i saw her. Same hair style, same face, same everything; hopefully a different attitude towards me 

"hey camryn, you're here. cmon in" she opened the door further and let taylor and i walked in

"uh yeah, scarlett said you were asking about me so here i am"

"taylor, nice to see you again hun" mom said as she turned to taylor

"you too mrs.johansson"

"oh please call me melanie"

"um mom?" i said


"taylor's my uh girlfriend..." i said softly, worried for her answer

"really? i'm so happy for you. that's so amazing, i'm glad you found a girl who gets you" she said as she walked over and gave me a hug. my eyes met taylors and i mouthed "what the fuck" to her
she just shrugged her shoulders as mom and i pulled apart

"well everyone is in the living room so let's go, dinner should be done soon" mom said as she walked out of the foyer into the kitchen

"she's changed" taylor said

"yea no shit" i laughed

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