chapter 12 *in progress*

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After much thought, Chan agreed. Only for felix. Because he hates his parents, it's time for Felix to leave the hospital. His brothers and parents took him to his parents' house
Felix was still speechless. His brothers always returned home late

It's 11 o'clock in the evening, and felix is starting to freak out

"Fefi baby, please take your medicine," said his mother

Felix just shook his head and cried loudly

"I think he wants to see his brothers," said his father

"Darling, call them now," his mother said
Felix's dad ran out of the room to his room and called his sons


MrBang: felix said he won't take medicine if he doesn't see you guys


After about 15 minutes there is a knock on the door. The maid opened the door and Lix's brothers made their way to Felix's room

When they opened the door, they saw that Felix's eyes were swollen... But then, when they looked at their parents, their condition was very sad.
You could tell Felix had been crying from your mother's hair-streaked eyes
His father's trembling hands held his heart

"Felix, why didn't you take your medicine as "our parents" told you," Chan said

Everyone's eyes widened except for Chan's words

Chan called them "our parents" for the first time

Felix didn't know what to do anymore, and involuntarily burst into tears again.

"so-sor-ry," he said weakly

"Relax Felix, everything is fine parents and we are with you"- Hyunjin said trying to stay calm

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