Chapter Eight

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          ( I obviously had to do that 🤡 )
      ( The drama is mandatory in fanfics )

                     《  691 words 😋 》

(Izuku POV)

Todoroki-kun keeps on kissing me. He's stopped using me as a punching bag, at least. My stomach hurts like hell, I can't tell everyone about this. As bad of a person as Todoroki-kun is, I can't have him expelled.

He pushes me up against the wall, one of his hands on my stomach. Which is hurting me, really, really bad. "S-stop, Todoroki.. you're hurting my stomach.." I say breathlessly, I struggle to breathe in after he punched me continuously.

"I only hurt it because you lied to me." He says coldly.

"I d-didn't lie, i-i don't have feelings for you.." I pant, I really need to see recovery girl. My stomach hurts so, so bad.

He drops me only the floor, not caring that I bashed both of my knees off of the ground. He kicks me a few times and then pulls my head up by tugging on a bit of my hair.

He kisses my forehead and softly says, "Now, if you tell anyone about this, I'll have to do it all over again~"

Mere seconds after he walks out, I start coughing up blood and bile. And as soon as that stops, I start vomiting.

The last thing I feel is my head starting to throb, and my eyes slowly shutting before my head conks off of the floor.

(Katsuki POV)

It's already ten minutes into class, and Izu  still hasn't shown up. I start nervously tapping my foot off of the floor without noticing. Icyhot just came back from the bathroom, and as much as I hate that bastard, I have to ask.

"Half n Half, did you see Izu- I mean, deku in the bathroom, or on your way back?"I ask him. Sensei nods his head at my question.

"Yes, Todoroki,did you? because Midoriya is barely ever late to class." He asks.

Half n Half shrugs his shoulders at the question. "No, I don't think I saw Midoriya." He says half-heartedly.

Aizawa-Sensei stares at me. "Problem child, go look for the other Problem Child." He tells me.

I jump out of my seat. "Whatever." I pretend not to care. These extras don't need to know about my love life and shit anyway.

The first place I check is the bathroom. Maybe he's in one of the stalls, and IcyHot just didn't notice. But when I get there, all of the stalls are open, and there's no sign of him.

"The locker room," I say under my breath.
Maybe he just lost track of time in there or something.

I run through the halls, and then when I finally get to the door, it's thankfully unlocked.

"IZU!? ARE YOU OKAY!?" I scream. He's lying, shirtless, on the floor. He's turned sideways, so I can see the bruises on his stomach and some large scratches on his back. He's lying next to spatters of blood and a pile of vomit. I try not to vomit myself at the sight.

He's completely conked out. I turn him over and feel his forehead. He's got a massive fever. I pick him up bridal style and run down the hall to see recovery girl.

"Dear me, what happened to him now?" She asks me.

"I-i don't know, I found him in the locker room, conked out. H-he had blood and vomit next to h-him, a-alot of it." I stutter. I feel like I'm about to cry. But I can't, Katsuki Bakugo doesn't cry. Even when he sees his crush conked out of the floor. Katsuki Bakugo never cries.

But my eyes ignore my warning, and tears start spilling out of my eyes. "You can take a seat if you want, dear. I allow visitors, of course." She chuckles. "I'll have to inform Eraserhead, though."  She tells me to sit him down on the bed, so I obey her and sit in the chair next to it.

I feel myself falling asleep, and even though I try to fight it, I eventually drift off.

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