Chapter 14

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( I love paracetamol 😍 )

《 602 words 》

-Time skip cus I cbb anymore-

(Izuku POV)

I'm close to fully healed from that incident a few weeks ago, Shoto was expelled, and me and Kacchan are dating now.

My nose is fine. It's just my stomach that's been harder to heal because he attacked it twice and with great force. He also used his quirk on it the second time, so there's burn marks all over my abdomen that recovery girl said would scar forever.

I'm walking up to Kacchans dorm to watch a movie right now, but I need to make sure nobody sees me, because we both decided the class would try to get in our business if they figured out.

I knock lightly on the wooden door, and I hear a muffled "come in" through the wall. I immediately open the door, walk in, and close it, making sure it's locked.

"Hey Kacchan." I say to him with a smile. I sit down onto his bed. I move up next to him and whisper into his ear. "What movie are we watching?" I ask him. He looks over at me and slightly nudges his head at the TV. "I saw this movie called 'A silent voice' earlier, I thought we could watch it." He tells me.

"Ooohhh yeah, I heard about that, apparently its meant to be really sad and shit like that." I say to him.

He switches it on, and I lie down next to him in the bed and kiss him. As I try to pull away and start watching the movie, he cups my cheek and pulls me back in.

I get onto him, all without breaking the kiss, and put my hands around his waist. I bite down on his bottom lip, and he waits a few seconds before deciding to part his lips.

He wraps both of his hands around my neck as I explore his mouth with my tongue. He starts to slowly grind against me with his hips, and it makes me moan softly.

I pull away from the kiss to catch my breath and rest on top of him for a moment.

"Do you actually want to watch the movie, or do you wanna keep going with this?" He looks up at me and asks me. My face goes completely red. "I-i, won't people hear us?" I ask while stuttering.

"Keep your mouth shut then. Or just do it quietly." He tells me. "OK, just give me a minute." I reply softly and put my head down into his neck. I try to rest, but i can't. I just want more... I can't last without it.

I start sucking roughly on the bottom of his neck, and he starts breathing heavily. I work up to the top of his neck slowly, leaving little pink marks that will turn into large purple hickeys later.

I go back down again, then I pull away and slip my hand under his shirt. I trace every muscle on his torso, and when I get to his pecs, I open my hand fully and rest it down on it.

"God, Katsuki, you're so muscular..." I whisper softly, in a seductive tone. His face goes completely red. "Shit, you're using my first name. That means you want to go further..." He says, trying to hold in a moan while I kiss up and down his collarbone.

"So what if I do? Why don't we do it anyway...?" I whisper into his ear.

(I have a broken arm, so sorry if this took a long time to come out. 🤡)

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