⭐️Stone x reader⭐️

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3rd person


It was a late August night. A warm breeze blew through the air, and crickets chirped all around the forest. The sky was painted a collage of blues and reds, blended perfectly together in the middle.

Pink clouds drifted in the sky, staining the hill that overlooked ramshackle country a pinkish colour. Footsteps were heard as a tall blue haired boy approached the cliff.

He sat down and lit a cigarette, unamused by the view. Despite its brilliance, he had another thing on his mind. Someone much more brilliant then the view.


They seemed sort of upset today. They probably had another fight with their parents. He sighed, the had never been so distant though... sure they could be shy sometimes, but this was a new level.

They had snapped at Skipp, cussed at Vinnie, and ignored Stones questions of why. To say the least, Stone was worried.

A rustling sounded in the woods and Stone whipped around, worried of a possible threat. He grabbed his bottle and located the nearest rock ready to bust it to use as a weapon.

Though, through the foliage he could see the un-deniable frame of Y/N.

"Hey, wait up." He called in a level voice.

The rustling stopped and Y/N peaked out, "What?"

Stones eyes widened, Y/N didn't look so good. Their eyes were puffy. They looked shaky and unsteady, and at their wits end.

"Are you alright?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Why wouldn't I be?" They hissed back, then they looked down and muttered "Sorry."

Stone turned back to the view and grabbed his bottle. It was empty now, so he just left it next to him. He put out his cigarette after.

Y/N sat down next to Stone, but they didn't say anything. They were tired, and didn't seem happy.

"Hey, uh... do you want to talk?" Stone asked awkwardly.

He tried to mimic the smile Skipp used whenever he would talk to people. It was charming and innocent on Skipp, but it looked dumb on Stone so he stopped. Y/N sighed.

"Where do I start... I had a huge fight with my parents last night over sneaking out." Y/N looked at Stone, their eyes shiny.

"How the hell do they want me to make connections with people if they don't let me go out! They always tell me I need more friends, but when I make them they disapprove! What do they want!" Y/N's voice was breaking.

Stone was surprised, he didn't really know what to do. Y/N was curled into a ball, sniffling. Stone hesitantly put a hand on their shoulder.

"Hey uhm, I'm here alright? You'll be 18 soon and you won't have to listen to them."

"You know what's the scary part?"


"Sometimes, I feel like I still love them."

This made Stone feel strange... that's usually how he felt too. He had run away long ago, and had found a better and simpler life on the streets with Vinnie Skipp and Y/N.

But this spoke to him.

He felt the same.

After all these years and everything he had been through. He still felt like he needed his parents, and he still loved them. He felt angry. After all they had put them through, why did he still love them?

He didn't know, but he knew Y/N needed him right now. He craned his neck the opposite way, gesturing for Y/N to lean on it. They took it and buried themselves into Stones shoulder, sniffling.

Stone turned his head to the town, it was still beautifully tinted pink from the setting sun. Crickets and wood frogs were starting to emerge from their homes to the east though, and night was settling.

"We'd better get back to Vinnie and Skipp soon. They'll be worried about us if we stay out to long."

"I know," Y/N wiped their eyes and looked at Stone.

"Listen uh, I know I can't say anything to make you feel better but, I mean..." he rubbed the back of his neck self consciously, "we're all here for you."

Y/N smiled and nodded, still staring into Stones green eyes.

Stone got up and waited for Y/N to follow, and they headed back side by side towards those Ramshackle streets.



Sorry if this feels rushed, that's cuz it is. Term ended awhile back and I had to make up a bunch of school shit really quickly.

Anyways if requested I'll do another Stone x reader. But after this I do another request then a Vinnie x reader.

Thanks for reading!

(Words 780)

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