⭐️Skipp x reader⭐️

696 18 9

**Not Requested**
Also this is written in 3rd person because I suck at 2nd.


Cold air blew through the alleys and streets. It was dead quiet out. Usually at this time, Entertainment Square was bustling with rich folk squandering their money. But there was a huge party on the other side of town tonight so no rich folk were here.

The musty smell of smoke filled the air, it was blowing in from the industrial side of town. Skipp shivered in the cold. He was looking for some warmer clothing for the coming winter months.

Usually the clothing store would throw out clothing from last years fashion to make room for the new styles. So the dumpsters behind the store were always a good place to search. But the owners would lock the dumpsters behind a fence.

Skipp had ducked into the alley way behind the clothing store, and had carefully stepped over the puddles of dark liquid, and was now staring at the fence.

He put his hand on his chin and looked up. It would be impossible to climb it, because it had barbed wire at the top. And he couldn't cut through the wire either. Skipp looked at the lock, maybe he could pick it? It was worth a shot if he could come back to Vinnie and Stone with warm clothes.

Determined he grabbed a hairpin from the ground and shoved it in the locks hole. He wiggled it around, and sticked his tongue out in pure concentration.

"Grr!" Skipp was getting frustrated now.

The lock wasn't moving, and he was making quite a racket by shaking it all the time. He groaned and grabbed a nearby brick. He raised it over his head and brought it down hard on the lock.

"Haha yes!" He pumped his fists into the air and hopped over to the dumpster and began to fish around.

He saw a large winter coat perfect for Vinnie. And he saw a thick tall jacket hoodie for Stone. Now he only had to find one for himself.

He began to whistle a little tune as he dug around, happily pulling clothing out, and wishing he could take it all out to give to other street kids.

No one should be out there on the cold alone.

No one.

As he was nearing the end of the dumpster, he heard a small sound, similar to a door opening. He looked at the back door that lead to the back of the clothing store, and it was closed. He shrugged and went back to digging.

"Up here."

Skipp almost fell backwards and he looked up widely, "Whose there?"

"Relax," the voice was soft and calm.

A smaller shape came slinking down the side of the building, and a beautiful person stood before Skipp. He was starstruck.

"You're Skipp right? My names Y/N."

"How'd you know?" Skipp relaxed his muscles a bit and stared at the person. They were wearing simple black shorts and a white tee-shirt.

"I've seen you around. Pulling scams in the streets. You and your friends are quite clever."

"Do you own this store?"

"Nah my parents do. It's always such a shame all these clothes go to waste, when my father could just pop over to the donation bin and donate them." Y/N fiddled with their hair. "Here." They handed Skipp something.

"What's that?" Skipp picked up the package.

It wasn't very light, but he could tell it was soft inside. He looked questioningly at Y/N

"Some warmer clothes and blankets. I don't wanna see people freeze to death out there." Y/N blushed and scratched the back of their head.

"Thank you!" Skipp smiled at Y/N and they only turned away and but their lip.

"Anyways I should be going soon..." Y/N turned back to the wall and started to climb up the vines.

"Hey wait!" Skipp called up at them.

Y/N turned back and dropped down. "What's up?"

"Would you like to meet me sometime tomorrow? We could get lunch or something."

Y/N gripped the edge of their shirt and nodded "s-sure. I'll meet you at the from of the shop around noon."

"Alright, cya then Y/N!" Skipp smiled and waved, his cheeks reddening.

Y/N just stared back then turned to scale the wall.

Skipp walked off towards where Vinnie and Stone were waiting.

"Did you get caught?" Vinnie asked as he dropped his loot at her feet.

"Well obviously not. He's got stuff." Stone responded from the shadows, a small glow appeared as he lit a cigarette.

"The shop owners kid is really nice. They gave me some blankets and enough jackets to last us a few winters!" Skipp spoke fondly.

Vinnie raised an eyebrow and smirked. She looked back at Stone and he groaned.

Skipp was confused so he continued, "I invited them for lunch around noon so I won't be around, but send a message if you need me."

"Ohhh I see." Vinnie giggles and leaned back.

Skipp was still confused so he just sat down, eagerly awaiting tomorrow.


Part two perhaps??? Eventually???

(Words 868)

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