CHAPTER 3 - The Duchess' Guests

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As the awaited guests from London arrived at Alnwick Castle, Thomas and Penelope Debling, the rightful Duke and Duchess of Northumberland stood side by side, their expressions warm and welcoming as they greeted their visitors with open arms. Alongside them stood the head butler Jefferson, and the housekeeper Mary, ready to assist in ensuring their guests' comfort during their stay.

Eloise Bridgerton's excitement was palpable as she embraced Penelope, her friend's joyous laughter filling the air. "Pen! It's been too long." She exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with delight. "I have missed you terribly."

Penelope returned the brunette's embrace with equal fervor, her smile ever radiant. "Oh, Eloise, it's wonderful to see you again." She replied, her voice filled with warmth. "I've been looking forward to your visit."

"I am so glad to have you both here at last. I hope your journey was pleasant." The duchess said towards her friend's mother Violet.

Violet Bridgerton, the former viscountess offered a gracious smile as she bowed both to the newlywed couple. "Thank you, your Grace, for extending such a kind invitation to us." She said, her tone polite yet sincere. Penelope had asked them to forgo formalities even when she became a duchess, but Violet remained courteous as they were in front of the redhead's husband. "We are truly honored to be guests in your magnificent home."

Duke Thomas Debling returned the Bridgerton matriarch's smile with one of his own, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. "The honor is ours, Mrs. Bridgerton." He replied graciously. "We are delighted to have you and Miss Bridgerton with us."

After the initial greetings, Jefferson and Mary led Eloise and Violet on a tour of the castle, showcasing its grandeur and splendor. From the opulent drawing rooms to the cozy chambers, they explored every nook and cranny of the historic estate, their footsteps echoing through the halls as they marveled at its beauty.

"Here is the Great Hall, my ladies." Jefferson announced, gesturing towards the vast room with its high ceilings and grand tapestries adorning the walls. "It is where the Duke and Duchess often host gatherings, and soon the banquets."

Violet's eyes widened in awe as she took in the splendor of the room, while Eloise gazed around with a mixture of excitement and curiosity.

Next, Mary led them to the library, a room lined with shelves upon shelves of ancient tomes, and leather-bound volumes. "This is one of the Duchess' favorite rooms." She explained. "Where her Grace spends many hours lost in her books." The last statement gave the Bridgerton ladies giggles as they know all too well how Penelope loved reading books.

Eloise's eyes lit up at the sight of the books, her love for literature evident. "It's magnificent. It's nothing compared to what we have at Aubrey Hall, mama." She breathed, running her fingers along the spines of the books.

As they continued their tour, Jefferson and Mary showed them the drawing room, the conservatory, and finally they arrived at their own guest rooms, where Eloise and Violet would be staying during their visit. With a flourish, Jefferson swung open the doors to reveal elegantly appointed rooms, complete with sumptuous furnishings and breathtaking views of the castle grounds.

The two servants then bid the Bridgerton ladies goodbye, leaving them at the shared drawing room adjacent to their bedchambers, so for the ladies to have enough rest before convening with the Deblings for the evening meal.

"Isn't Pen's home magnificent, mama? It's a very huge castle! A lot grander than Daphne and Simon's at Clyvedon." Eloise exclaimed, her eyes wide with wonder.

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