CHAPTER 4 - The Ladies of the North

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As the garden tea party organized by Penelope, the Duchess of Northumberland and Countess of Beverley, commenced, the ladies of the north gathered with eager anticipation, their curiosity piqued by the presence of two unfamiliar faces among them.

Eloise and Violet Bridgerton stood out amidst the crowd, their elegance and grace drawing the attention of the assembled guests. Penelope wasted no time in introducing her friends from London, explaining that they would be staying at Alnwick for the off-season.

While some of the ladies greeted Eloise and Violet with genuine warmth and interest, others couldn't help but display a hint of curiosity tinged with skepticism. The sight of two upper-born ladies from London in their midst was a novelty, and many were eager to learn more about them.

However, not everyone welcomed Eloise and Violet's arrival with open arms. Miss Amelia Talbot, daughter of a Marquis, cast a disapproving glance in their direction, her expression betraying her disdain. She whispered conspiratorially to her companions, accusing the Duchess of Northumberland of orchestrating a marriage match for the eligible bachelors remaining in the north.

Despite the undercurrent of tension that lingered in the air, Penelope remained unruffled, her demeanor gracious and composed as she mingled with her guests. She was determined to ensure that everyone felt welcome and included, regardless of their background or status.

As the tea party continued, Eloise and Violet found themselves the subjects of much scrutiny and speculation. But they held their heads high, their dignity intact, knowing that they had been invited as guests of honor by their dear friend Penelope, and that their presence at Alnwick Castle was a testament to the strength of their friendship.

As the gentle murmur of conversation filled the air at the garden tea party, a sudden hush fell over the gathering as Miss Amelia Talbot, voiced her thoughts, her gaze fixed firmly on Penelope, the Duchess of Northumberland.

With a boldness that bordered on insolence, Amelia addressed the redhead directly, her tone tinged with accusation. "Duchess." She began, her voice cutting through the silence like a knife. "I must inquire as to the reason behind your decision to invite the Bridgerton ladies to Northumberland. Is it your intention to orchestrate a marriage match for the eligible bachelors of the north?"

The other ladies looked on in stunned silence, their eyes widening in disbelief at Amelia's audacity. It was clear that her words were fueled by jealousy and animosity, her thinly veiled contempt for Penelope palpable in the air.

Penelope, though taken aback by the sudden confrontation, remained composed, her expression calm but resolute. "Miss Talbot." She replied, her voice steady despite the tension in the air. "I assure you that my intentions in inviting the Bridgerton ladies to Northumberland are purely social. They are dear friends of mine, and I wished to share the beauty of the north with them during their stay. There is no ulterior motive behind their visit."

Amelia's lips tighten in disbelief, her eyes flashing with irritation. "You expect me to believe that?" She retorts, her tone laced with skepticism. "It's no secret that the Bridgertons are one of the most prominent families in London. You must have some scheme in mind, inviting them here."

Penelope's demeanor remains unruffled, her posture remained poised as a duchess as she addresses the Marquis' daughter. "Miss Talbot, there is no scheme." The redhead replies firmly. "My intentions are purely to host a gathering for all the ladies and to introduce my friends to our community. If you choose to see malice where there is none, that is your prerogative."

The other ladies exchanged uneasy glances, unsure of how to intervene in the escalating confrontation. They knew all too well of Amelia's long-standing interest in the Duke of Northumberland, and it was no secret that his marriage to Penelope had left her feeling envious and resentful.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Apr 22 ⏰

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