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Almost three months have passed since the grand wedding of his Grace, Thomas Arthur Debling, the Duke of Northumberland and Earl of Beverley, to the third daughter of the Featherington household and the emerald of the season, Miss Penelope Anne Featherington. Their wedding had become the foremost event out of all during the 1815 social season. Even her Majesty Queen Charlotte and the Prince Regent, George IV, have come in attendance at St. Paul's Cathedral for the wedding of the year.

Although there were still a couple of months left to stay in London for the season, the newlywed couple had decided to extend their honeymoon and spend the rest of the months at their estate at Northumberland.

As for Penelope's family, Portia and Prudence remained at their London residence to attend the remaining social gatherings scheduled in hopes of getting Prudence a match for a husband. After all, the latter is in her third year at the marriage mart and the last Featherington daughter left unwed. But regardless, their mother, the dowager Baroness Lady Portia Featherington was unfazed compared to when they first arrived back in London from their stay at Cornwall. For this year, she was just able to marry off her wallflower of a daughter, and become a mother to a duchess at the least! A feat that nobody among the ton could have ever imagined. Even Penelope herself was still at cloud nine realizing how fortunate and how unexpected her marriage came to be. Nevertheless, the youngest Featherington is beyond happy and content that instead of opting for a marriage of convenience, hers was a love match with Thomas who dearly loves her.

Across the street where the Featheringtons live, the esteemed Bridgerton family remains tight and close bonded despite the third son, Colin Bridgerton, missing from the picture. With him suffering heartache from Penelope's rejection, the third eldest decided to resume his journey around the world. After his excursion in Greece and in Italy, the man had chosen Egypt as his next stop for his grand tour. As he had accepted that Penelope will no longer be able to be his regular correspondent though his letters, Colin had come up with the idea of recording his observations, stories, and all his experiences compiled in a journal; having thoughts of giving it to the redhead as a gift once he returns back to London, whenever it may be. After all, they were still long time friends.

Violet Bridgerton, the ever sweet matriarch, was still hopeful in spite of having one less child at their abode. Now that Eloise and Penelope had reconciled, her stubborn daughter had become more lively and less irritable, making the second daughter's company more manageable and appealing.

Lady Agatha Danbury, who has been fond of Penelope Featherington even when she was still a wallflower, maintained her friendly relations with the redhead duchess as they shared letters despite the long distance from London to Northumberland. The acerbic old woman never misses to mention her desire to spend afternoon tea time together like they used to back in Mayfair Street.

Though everyone was most happy with Penelope and Thomas marrying off while in the middle of the season, it can be said otherwise for her Majesty Queen Charlotte. As much as she has taken a liking to Miss Featherington as her rare jewel of the season, and to Duke Thomas Debling whom she and the king gallantly favors, Charlotte was disappointed by their decision to retire at their northern territory earlier than expected. The Queen had expected to have at least Penelope's presence as the season's emerald, if Thomas will not be able to, in London to attend the remaining social gatherings intended for the nobility of high society. And since the newlyweds were gone, the Queen could not find any inspiration or entertainment attending these social events. Her friend Agatha, can only do so much in keeping up with the ton's latest news that may bring joy to the royal's ears.

And so, to compensate for her son's and her daughter-in-law's departure from London, the former Duchess of Northumberland took it upon herself to become the Queen's companion for the time being. Opting to stay in the Northumberland House in London to have herself easily available for the Queen's summons. 

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