5. Rumors and Innuendos

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Chairs scrape across the linoleum floor as students stand and leave the classroom.

"Thanks," I say again as Hilary closes the book and piles it on top of her others. She sweeps her short hair back behind her ears. It's so blonde, it's almost white-just like her sweater, her knapsack and her shoes.

"No biggie," she answers. "You lived in Bantry? I have a cousin there. Pete Riley-ever heard of him?"


She stares at me as if she thinks I'm lying. "It's a small town." Her thumb runs along the pen she's holding. When I don't answer, she changes tack. "Your mom's a nurse, right? She grew up here?"

"Yeah," I say while I dig into my bag for the timetable the secretary gave me.

"Everyone's been talking about it since we heard you and your sister moved here." She leaves the words hanging between us as she clicks her pen. Click, click. Click, click. Her eyes watch me expectantly.

My fingers tighten over my timetable. I know what she's getting at but I'm not about to make it easy for her. Obviously she's heard rumors about Mom. So what? Mom has a past. It's not like she's the only one. She's also not the only one who wishes she could alter that history. "Talking about what?" I finally say as the silence grows too long into awkwardness.

"Oh, you know," Hilary says with a smile that doesn't reach her eyes.

A soft snort comes from over her shoulder. My gaze lands on Nick as I realize with a start that he's in the class with us.

He smiles at me, his head tilted in sympathy as if he overheard the entire exchange. He's so beautiful I can't even meet his eyes, and look down at the floor instead.

"Ignore her, Leila. She likes to play games that no one else sees the point in. I'll meet you at the door," he tells her in a commanding voice that suggests he's used to giving orders and having them followed.

Hilary flashes him a look, before turning her back and marching to the front of the classroom.

He reaches for my timetable, and reflexively I jerk back, my bag slipping from my hand. I stoop, my face flushing as my hair falls across my shoulders, creating a long brown barrier between us.

Nick kneels beside me and stretches across my leg, his palm brushing my jeans. When I tense up, he doesn't notice. He scoops up an eraser and two pens. "Don't worry. It's not you. I have this effect on girls," he says with a smile that, if possible, makes him look even more striking.

Near the blackboard, Hilary shifts from one foot to the other, her lips pressed tight into a grim line.

If she's thinking I'm trying to steal her guy, she's got nothing to worry about. I'm not interested in any guy, especially one who probably collects girls the way another guy might collect Star Wars memorabilia.

"Your friend is waiting for you," I say, dragging my eyes away from where she's staring me down.

Unfazed, Nick takes my timetable without asking and scans it before offering it back to me. "We're in biology together. You missed two weeks. No worries. I'll get you caught up. I'm busy tonight, but I'm free tomorrow after school. You can wait for me by my locker."

My eyes narrow as I release a small huff of air.

Is he serious?

Didn't I just give him the cold shoulder in the hallway? Does he think all he has to do is say the word and I'll fall into line the way Hilary did?

My back stiffens. "I'm good." The words come out cold and non-encouraging.

Still, he smiles as if he thinks I'm cute, and in no way serious.

"Miss Hails, a word," Mr. Wolburn calls out from the front of the class, distracting me from the red anger growing inside me.

"I'll see you at lunch." Nick nods and strolls to the group by the door. "I'll save you a seat."

[Author's note:

Comments and votes are appreciated! I'd love to know what you think.

New part coming next week.]

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