Chapter 49 - The Hunt

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The transformation happens slowly, bones elongating and snapping into place, teeth and claws lengthening, golden fur covering her entire body. Rose whimpers and lays on the ground panting, the shift was painful and exhausting. The grey wolf comes up to her and lies down beside her nuzzling her neck and licking her muzzle. Gently he nudges her, encouraging her to stand up. On shaky legs, the smaller golden wolf stands up, and gives her fur a good shake. It has been too long since she has been set free, with a joyous bark, the golden wolf sets off running. She wants to feel the wind in her fur, and the dirt beneath her paws. With some luck, she might even be able to catch some prey and eat some fresh meat, after all she needs to keep up her milk supply for her hungry pup.

As she runs, she occasionally noses the ground, in search of prey. The large grey wolf is bounding behind her, he is practically on top of her as he tries to sniff her backside. It's clear he is besotted with the little golden wolf. Rose's wolf has a beautiful golden-brown coat, with a fluffy white tail. The tail has the distinguishing feature of golden tips, giving the appearance of paint brush being dipped in paint. As she slows at the scent of an animal, the grey wolf takes advantage and bites her on the scruff of the neck and attempts to mount her. The golden wolf growls out, flashing canines at the male, and snapping her jaws at him. She is having none of it, he has not earnt the right to mount her yet. Her skin side may have accepted him, but the wolf side will have the final say on whether he can mark them and make them submit.

The female wolf has been peeking out at him when in her skin form. When he saved them and their unborn pup's life, she took notice. He is indeed a strong and brave male. More importantly is how he has accepted Xavier as his son, that is certainly a sign of a true and worthy male. But right now, she is not in the mood for mating. She has been hibernating in the recesses of Rose's mind for the last ten months, and now she wants to run free and frolic, but most of all she is hungry for a fresh kill. The grey wolf can sense what the females needs, and he takes the lead in the hunt. The pair move stealthily through the woods, trying to scent some prey. Ignoring the scents of small creatures, he needs to hunt something that will impress his female. He wants to prove he can provide for all her needs, whether in skin or fur form.

Finally, he catches the scent of an elk, not just any elk, but a bull male. It is dangerous hunting a bull male alone, a wolf can be seriously injured by flailing hooves and slashing antlers. A well-placed kick could break a wolf's jaw, rendering it unable to feed itself, resulting in a slow and painful death. It is much safer to hunt smaller prey when alone. Usually, Atlas would only hunt an elk of this size if Jin was with him, working together as part of a masterfully coordinated team effort. Knowing he has to win over Rose's wolf, she'll only accept his mark if she deems him worthy enough, he is determined to present the elk as an offering to her. This is his moment to prove himself. He signals for her to stay put, as he circles closer to the massive elk, who is grazing in the clearing.

Crouching low, crawling on his belly, he edges closer to the clearing, waiting for the right moment to strike. Rose watches with keen wolf eyes, her heart is thumping hard in anticipation for the hunt. She wants to see what the grey wolf has to offer. Her skin side has already fallen in love with Atlas, succumbing to his sweet words and kind nature. But her wolf mind is more interested in his strength and ability to provide for them and their pup. A grey shadow streaks across the clearing. Fierce white teeth flash against the elk's mighty neck. Rearing up the elk let's out a mighty cry, and throws Atlas off him. The grey wolf goes straight back in and cleverly attacks the large animal from behind to stay as far away from its forehooves as possible. Again and again the grey wolf leaves bite marks all over the great elk's body, wearing the bull male down. The elk tilts its head down, making his final stance, and runs towards Atlas with the intent to spear him with his huge antlers. Rose's wolf is frozen in awe, as she watches almost in slow motion, as the grey wolf takes a massive leap clearing the elk and latching on to it's neck, bringing the huge animal down. He holds tight, thrashing the bull's neck in his powerful jaws. Rose's wolf can wait no longer, with adrenaline pumping she rushes in and seizes the prey by the nose and holds on tight, helping to bring about a more expeditious end, but the large bull male still takes many minutes before it succumbs.

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