[Chapter 7: Regaining Stability]

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"I-If you leave, I...I'll KILL them! I'll KILL them JUST like the others!"
"STOP IT THEN...!" "Stop threatening to KILL everybody...!"

"Haha...Hahaha...Y...You think I'm broken...!?" "I-Is that what you think...!?"

"NOTHING important...? NOTHING important...!?" "HahaHA...! Well then, why don't we MAKE it important...!? How about WE, oh I don't know, leave ALL of our problems here...!?"

"WATCH me, I can fix ALL of this...! RIGHT here, RIGHT now...!" "I-I can fix ALL of my problems...! ALL by myself...!"

"I...I can leave YOU...!"
"A-And I can leave YOU...!"

"W-What—!?" "What the HELL do you—"

Why...? Why were you acting that way...?
Had you finally snapped...?
The rat blood...The mirror shattering...The real Brahms crawling out from behind the broken mirror and entering the living room...the fight...the mental breakdown...All of those horrifying events had made you feel so...exhausted. But what had happened after that...?

Snuggling something soft, you slowly returned to your senses; your eyes fluttering open as you realised you were sleepily huddled against a pillow and now lying in your bed, the covers tucked around your body while you wondered how you even got there. Weren't you downstairs...? Backed up against a door...? Why were you heavily sleeping up in your room all of a sudden...? No, wait...You hadn't been sleeping. You would've been facing Freddy and his sadistic characteristics. But you hadn't taken Hypnocil either, because you hadn't brought any with you. So you'd...simply passed out...? Huh. Guess being in a room with six slashers and attempting to defuse a psychotic conflict between them all in the process was way over your head. Though what was the aftermath...? You plainly hadn't stopped it. All you'd done was probably added more fuel to the fire and enraged them further.

But how else were you supposed to react...? The "real" Brahms wasn't a child - nor a doll - and had spoken to you in three different voices. Innocently. Threateningly. Frantically. Scaring you out of your mind and making you freak-out both at once. How much more could you possibly take of this...? "(Y/n)...?" A gentle voice called your name softly, catching your attention whilst your gaze flickered to the source of said speaker.

"Hannibal...?" You faintly replied, pushing yourself up a tiny bit before leaning against the pillows and raking your hand through your slightly dishevelled hair. "How come you're in here...?"

"I came to see how you were feeling." He told you with a tender tone, the dark-haired male sitting across your bed in one of the dining room chairs while answering your question.

"Oh, uh...I'm feeling alright. How about you...?" You asked politely, wanting to remain civil and keep your composure.

"Thank goodness. You gave us all a shock last night. However, I'm feeling just fine, thank you." Hannibal pleasantly responded, shooting you a warm smile and making you wonder how to reply to his recent remark.

"A shock...?" You repeated in an uneasy fashion, hoping that his words weren't that serious as your eyes drifted worriedly around the room; noticing that all of your current partners were hanging around the room just like Hannibal was.

Had they all been watching you sleep...? Chucky was sitting at the end of the double bed, swinging his legs back and forth anxiously against the edge before looking somewhat relieved you were okay. But after you'd glanced in his direction, he hid it well and irritably averted his gaze; just sitting there in a straight pose instead of tensely swinging his legs. Freddy was leaning against your bedroom wall like usual, flashing you a wicked grin and unfolding his arms all so he could blow you flirtatious kiss straight afterwards. Michael was obsessively stalking you from the corner of the room, moving to the left side of your bed and tugging you into a tight hug the moment he'd seen you glance around. Cuddling into his chest and accepting the passionate form of embrace, you lovingly hugged him back; happy to see he wasn't hurt too badly. After all, that fight had been utterly horrifying. Lastly there was Pennywise, the clownish killer staring at you with a mixture of fear and concern clouding his eyes before he teleported speedily in front of Hannibal and pulled you into an overly-possessive hug of his own.

"It's good to see you too, Penny. All of you." You remarked gently, feeling moderately relaxed after the compassionate signs of affection you'd received from them all. Even Chucky's reaction was cute to you, considering you'd spotted how relieved he was before pretending not to care.

"Well your behaviour last night was certainly concerning, that was for sure." Hannibal calmly stated, standing up and moving around Pennywise so he could resume the current conversation between you both. "Considering you snapped and passed out before we could properly calm you down."

"I...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lash out at you guys like that." You guiltily apologised, pulling away from both Michael's and Penny's side hugs so you could face everyone. "I-I guess I just panicked, and—"

"(Y/n) dearest, please don't blame yourself. You have nothing to apologise for. What happened wasn't your fault." Hannibal spoke in a sympathetic manner, holding your hands delicately between his own whilst he tried to calm you down. "Don't you remember what I told you? About how we think?"

"Angelo mio, you have to understand, we don't...think the same way other human beings do. People like us...well, let's just say we take extremely drastic measures to secure the things we truly desire."

"You told me that you don't think the same way other human beings do." You recalled hesitantly, the other slashers flashing Hannibal a curious glance before you'd responded. "And that people like you take extremely drastic measures to secure the things you truly desire, didn't you...?"

"Exactly. And what I told you was nothing but the utmost truth. We don't think the same way you do. You snapped because of us. Because we took it too far and acted reckless. Michael may've broken the doll, but in the end, we all ended up breaking you in the process. So if anything, we should be the ones apologising to you." He soothingly pointed out, his outlook on the situation being completely different from yours as he stopped you from taking the blame.

"But I...I was threatening you guys...! I...I was—"
"And you had every right to do so." Hannibal cut in with amusement, his comment throwing you off and surprising you at the very same time. "Brahms scared you with that message on the wall, by starting a fight, shoving you to the side, and rudely shouting. Michael broke that doll without thinking things through. I tried to get Pennywise and Chucky to hold you against your will, and Krueger egged you on with that...unreliable plan of yours to grab a piece of broken porcelain from the ground and hurt yourself even before your mental breakdown."

"Well, I...I'd rather not think about it anymore." You timidly decided, last night continuing to feel traumatic while you attempted to push past everything that had previously occurred.

"Fair enough. That's probably for the best anyway." The psychiatrist agreed charmingly, respecting your decision after another question silently flew across your mind.

"So um, how did I even get up here...? I was downstairs before I passed out." You wondered in a hint of curiosity, tilting your head to the side a little bit and growing slightly confused.

"Well, after you lost control, I caught you before you could hit the floor. We were going to teleport you back home, but Pennywise was unable to do so. Brahms blamed Michael for your mental breakdown and attempted to start another fight, but we were able to calm him down by letting Brahms assist you to your room before that could happen. Pennywise carried you upstairs, Brahms showed us where your room was, and then I placed the covers over you once Pennywise had set you down." Hannibal kindly explained, your bemusement fading when you'd received a genuine answer. "Though I do apologise for you having to rest and recover in yesterday's clothes, however. I just didn't want to remove your clothes without your consent."

"I wouldn't have minded~" Freddy seductively hummed, his smug smirk and arrogant attitude causing you to roll your eyes and ignore him.

"Wait, so Brahms ended up helping you guys...?" You quizzed with a puzzled gaze, continuing the conversation and wanting to know more. "I find that pretty hard to believe. He hated you all. Why would he—"

"Because he wasn't helping us. He was helping you."

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