Home away from home

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As the faint sounds of mechanical tinkering infiltrated the haze of Danny's consciousness, he recognized the distinctive clink and clatter of Delia's torque wrench. His eyelids fluttered open, revealing Delia perched squarely on his chest, her focus intently directed at fastening some device around his legs.

"Ah, you're awake!" Delia exclaimed, her face lighting up with excitement as she showcased her latest invention. "Behold, the Pain Packer 2.0!" She gestured dramatically toward the sleek braces encasing Danny's legs, nearly invisible under his clothes. "These should stabilize you much more than the old ones and lessen the strain during recovery," she chirped, her eyes sparkling with pride.

Attempting to sit up, Danny became acutely aware of the bandages enveloping him like a second skin. He winced slightly, his muscles protesting the movement. That's when he noticed Lily, hovering nearby with a mixed expression of concern and reproach.

"We're supposed to fight together, Danny. What happened out there?" Lily's voice trembled with a mix of worry and frustration.

"Well, Jester and I-" Danny began, scanning the room. His brow furrowed as he realized someone was missing. "Wait, where's Jester?"

His eyes darted around until they landed on a figure swathed in bandages from head to toe, reclining on the couch. Jester, recognizing he was the subject of scrutiny, weakly raised a hand in greeting.

"It's all on me," Jester admitted ruefully, his voice muffled by the bandages. "I got carried away and shouted a challenge in the middle of a crowded intersection. It... it led to the altercation with The Butcher and, unfortunately, to an innocent man's death."

Danny shook his head, dismissing Jester's self-reproach. "It wasn't your fault, Jester. You didn't cause that man to react the way he did. We can't blame ourselves for the actions of others."

Seeking to shift the mood, Danny turned the attention to their small victory. He carefully peeled back a section of his bandages, revealing a new crest on his arm-a cleaver with the inscription 'House King.' "Look, we managed to get The Butcher's crest," he said, trying to infuse some positivity back into the room.

"That's two down," Delia interjected, her mind always whirring like the gadgets she so loved to tinker with. "Any idea how many more competitors there are?"

Both Danny and Jester exchanged blank looks, shaking their heads in unison. "No clue," Danny admitted, and Delia sighed, frustration etching her features.

"So we're basically flying blind here," she muttered. "No idea who or how many we're up against."

Lily chimed in, her voice steady, "But they don't know us either. That's an advantage, at least."

The discussion about their anonymity led to further queries about the nature of their participation. "How can you even tell who's a competitor?" Delia asked, genuinely curious.

Danny explained the peculiar sensation they experienced-a kind of tingling alert in their minds when they made eye contact with another participant. Delia, ever the scientist, mused about analyzing their brain activity during such encounters but quickly scrapped the idea as impractical.

The conversation was abruptly cut short by the rumble of stomachs. Danny's recent exertions had left him ravenous; he headed to the fridge, only to find it disappointingly empty. Turning to Lily with concern, he asked if she had eaten since breakfast. She waved off his concern, but a loud stomach growl betrayed her. Danny smiled gently, reassuring her with a promise, "I'll make a run home."

Jester, puzzled, interjected, "I thought this was home?"

With a light chuckle, Danny motioned for Jester to follow him. "Come on, I'll show you."

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