Forced Evolution.... Shin Mitchell Fanfiction - Chapter 3: Interlude

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That sharp sensation ran through his body as he moved, it was difficult, sometimes he crawled, staggering from here to there, the cold and hard ground bothered him, he didn't know where he was going, this whole place was huge, he felt weak, However, he heard something in the distance, he quickly looked around searching for a place to hide, he saw a half-open door through which he entered to hide, inside the closet he was in he could hear the Drones talking, however he did not know what they were saying, understood none of their words so he concentrated on waiting for them to leave.

After 3 minutes he came out and began to move using his legs and arms to move almost like an animal, he looked for a exit of this place but he only got more and more lost, eventually he already felt the fatigue and hunger begin to take its toll, in a moment while he moved, he noticed a room that was half open, he entered there, it was much larger than the previous one, there were different types of machines that he did not recognize, he began to investigate, thinking while touching some of the things, at one point he saw a large cylinder which He touched it, feeling a good sensation of heat, so he lay down, placing his back on the metal of this container, and then closing his eyes without knowing that he was attached to one of the generators of the entire Colony, while his mind was dropped into the kingdom of Morpheus, his cells began to absorb some of the heat generated by the container, this in a way to recover.


Yeva listened carefully to the story that her daughter was telling her, with every word she heard, her face grew darker and darker. The murder drones in this city had managed to infiltrate the Bunker while she was in sleep mode because of Uzi's mistake, that bothered her. However, her anger was focused on another person, Khan Doorman, the bastard apparently had the opportunity to help her daughter and stop the Drones before they took more lives but he decided to hide behind those doors, that made her oil will begin to boil since he was going to let Nori's daughter die like this, for Robo-God he should at least tries to do something, even if he dies, he did it to protect his daughter.

Doll stepped back to see how her mother almost exploded with anger, however, she managed to stabilize herself for a few moments, breathing, although she didn't need it, it was a way she found to calm down.

Doll continued telling about how Uzi and N fought against V and J, however, J was about to kill Uzi if it weren't for the appearance of a thing, Doll began to describe him, he had plates of bones randomly, his skin It was greenish, it looked like one of those reptiles fused with a super developed ape that the biology books talked about, its size dwarfed almost any animal she knew, 5 meters of pure organic power that faced the murder drones in a 2v1, throughout the fight V and J had the advantage, but the thing was slowly beginning to catch up to their level, wreaking havoc on them as the fight unfolded, Doll even heard one of the Murder Drones about how that thing was adapting over the course of the fight, at one point J took Uzi's gun and shot him, the beam was able to cut him in Two, surely that Railgun would have enough power to One-shot a Murder drone if shot at point-blank range, the creature seemed to have been killed However, that was quickly proven wrong as the upper part of the organic being changed to a smaller one, and began to beat back the murder drones drones, ending up self-destructing to kill J.

In the end Uzi self exile herself with N and they took V with them.

Now Yeva was analyzing the situation, she have a lot to do, so she told her daughter to stay in home since she have to talk to Khan.


Inside outpost 3 in the warehouse. Two drones look towards the large hole in the ceiling left from the fight on the pilot. J's body is still in the same place.

"Here, just fix it because... wow! In retrospect, a pretty big security risk. Hey, you've got this..." Ignoring Frank's name tag. "LadderBot 5000"?" Tim said.

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