Prologue: the beginning of everything

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All of this was too much for him, Mitchell wondered how things evolved to this? (A couple of days ago)

Of course, he had asked to his Aunt Louisa, Mrs. Elliot, for help, being the son of her younger sister, Cecelia Ramsdale, the Elliots could barely say no without sounding rude or affecting their image, now that she gave him a job that he would like it was something else.

Mitchell had to go to the Elliots mansion, talking to Louisa and James for 10 minutes, only to be told that he should wait while both looked for where they could place him within the company. Mitchell had lost his last job because the drones had taken away his role as a freight lifter, the company would not have to pay them unlike a regular human and the maintenance costs would be more profitable, so 10% of the staff was fired, that was sad, although he had only been in that company for 2 years after complete the university, Mitchell loved his last job, he had met good people and it was a pretty good job, the pay was moderate and it was only a few days a month where things got ugly.

"Greetings, hand movement" said a voice next to Mitchell that almost gave him an attack, after he jump like a scared girl, the young man looked at whoever was next to him, it was a Drone in a maid's dress, his instincts gave him a bad feeling just by seeing her

"Hello Cyn..." He said reluctantly, somehow Mitchell gain Louise's distrust of Cyn's existence, of course not to the same level, but it was a strange feeling that something was not right with this drone, as if at any moment she would kill someone, he tried to be as indifferent to her as possible, although she had a silly attitude and was barely functioning, Mitchell's instincts told him to watch his back when he was in the same room as Cyn.

"Cousin Mike!" said the voice of a girl full of energy, Mitchell turned to see, a few people called him Mike, among them his cousin Tessa.

"What's up little Tess" he said trying to ignore the existence of Cyn, who was watching the interaction between Tessa and her family member.

"Well, it's rare that you come here. Generally, you only do so when it's a family member's birthday or some important celebration that is celebrated here, like the time that Aunt Cecelia and her team achieved the impossible, making the dogs nigh-immortal " Tessa says happy to know that now she would have dogs forever

Mitchell smiled at her, unlike her almost useless son, Mitchell's mother was a great geneticist, she along with her work colleagues with the support of JCJenson's resources made severals progress in medicine.

"Well, the other days I lost my job, my mother said to go see if your parents could help me, unlike mom, I am not good with medicine so I have to check other options available of the company, your parents can help more than mom in this case." Tessa looked at him and understand the situation

"Well, it looks like you're waiting."

"Yes, your parents are checking to see what I'm going to do and I gave them the papers a couple of minutes ago, so I'll have to wait before they tell me what I'm going to do in JCJenson." Mitchell responded to Tessa, only to see three more old faces.

"Hello J, N and V," he greeted the three drones, J just gave him a casual greeting glance with her visor, both N and V hug him, after all he was one of those few people who are not so like Tessa's parents when talk about Drones, at least not with them because of the few interactions they have had.

On the other hand, Cyn looked at him, analyzing him, as if she were adding him to a list, slightly jealous of how he talked with her friends and brother

As time passed, Mitchell talked and played a little with the young Tessa and her mechanized servants, from UNO, digital fighting games where J destroyed everyone, they ended up fixed the drones' hair, Tessa did J's hair, N did Cyn and Mike did. V, after a while he was called by James when he found a job for him.

Forced Evolution.... Shin Mitchell (English version)Where stories live. Discover now