Chapter 6: Arguments

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Taranza is a bit suspicious of Queen Sectonia because of how she's acting and her appearance as a whole. Taranza goes into Sectonia's room to ask her a few questions.

Taranza: Hey, uh, Sectonia? Can we talk for a second?

Sectonia: hm? Of course my subject. What do you need to talk about?

Taranza: I've been confused on your behavior for past few days. Why the change?

Sectonia: Oh! Um, didn't I tell you? Someone from that Mirror came up and got rid of my sickness.

Taranza: Yeah, but it shouldn't have changed your form! You should still be the same as you were.

Sectonia: Er, why don't you help the others?

Taranza: No.

Sectonia: Excuse me?

Taranza: I'm not going anywhere until I talk with that guy.

Sectonia: You can't! You go and chastise the prisoners! Follow my order!

Taranza: You don't even say my name. How can I know it's you?

Sectonia: Grrr, keep talking like this and you'll end up in the dungeon!

Taranza: I said...

Taranza casts a caging spell on Sectonia to keep her locked until he talks with the borb in the mirror.

Sectonia: You traitor!? Unhand me at once!

Taranza: Not until I have a talk with this guy you're talking about.

DMK: So you wanted to talk to me?

Taranza: Yes, I just want to ask... who are you and what have you done to my best friend!?

DMK: Why, I did nothing to her, she chose my offer.

Taranza: You what!? When I get my hands on-

Taranza is pushed by Sectonia who just broke free and blasts him to the skies.

Taranza: Arrrgh! W-Why?

DMK: You're welcome.

Sectonia: I never needed your help anyway.

DMK: Oh I know.

DMK: In fact, I'm getting my part of our deal.

Sectonia: What!? But you said you wouldn't !?

DMK: Shhh, you'll like this form better.

Dark Meta Knight creates a giant blade from the Dimension Mirror and stabs Sectonia in the heart.

DMK: You wanted to be beautiful right? You'll be the Sleeping Beauty.

The end( for real)

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