Chapter 5: Another Dimension

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In Another Dimension, the empty void, we see our guardian walking around, desperately looking for an escape. 10000 yards, it was becoming hopeless. After all, no one has ever walked out of Another Dimension.

Shadow: How long was I walking here? It's been ages! I hope there's at least someone who can help me.


Shadow witnesses someone just come from a portal to Another Dimension. It was someone with pink hair, blue eyes, and will soon become the secretary of a mechanizing company.

Shadow runs towards the person but was too slow and the person slowly went through a black mirror.

Shadow: N-No... I'm gonna be stuck here forever aren't I?

Being stuck for so long and such a low chance of life, Shadow began to tear up.

Shadow: I'm so stupid! I shouldn't have started a fight with her! I-I just became blinded with rage that she knew my mentor and was using him. -sigh- This is why I'm no guardian. I'm too weak, I'm too scared. No, no need to call myself those names, he told me to be strong... and brave.


Shadow: it's fine, I'll just wait for someone to find me here, then I'll get out.

Shadow sat down, looked at the strange stars, and started to close her eyes...

Until a strange ball popped up, grew a mouth with dagger-like teeth, wings, and a fancy tail.

Shadow: What is that? Is that the being that feeds off energy? Why is it looking at me? I don't think I have any power. If there is, it's probably dormant.

Shadow: Welp, another fight.

Shadow switches to the fire ability and thus the battle commences. The doomer fires energy balls which is dodged as Shadow hits it with fire breath, then a fireball.

The doomer swoops in and conjures several balls of darkness which don't seem to affect Shadow. Shadow counters with fireball and then, fire wheel. The doomer charges up and gains massive energy for a strong and Shadow charges some energy for a more powerful fireball and...

The doomer was a bit too slow and is pierced by the flames.

The doomer starts dissipating and explodes, leaving a rift.

Shadow: Perfect! My escape path! Let's go!

Shadow enters the rift and ends up in the Mirror World and thinks to herself.

Shadow: Do I go back for the Dimension Mirror? No, I'm not yet strong enough yet. I'll just take a rest, I deserve it after that.

The End

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