Chapter Three

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Rose's POV

I slipped my bag onto my back and the trash bag which had the few clothes I owned, I hated not having a suitcase but what could I do, I couldn't get a job and I was stuck in the damn foster system. I couldn't exactly ask for a suitcase from my foster parents, that would just be rude. As we were making our way over to the car my stomach grumbled, I mentally ordered my stomach to stop but it didn't

"How about we go and get some food before we start the drive back to Seattle?" Maya asked obviously having heard the the noise

"Oh, we don't have to. I'm not even that hungry" I said biting my lip hoping the two would fall for it but they hadn't.

"Bambina you have to eat," Carina said to me and I looked down, she was right but I couldn't, I had some toast this morning and that made me feel sick.

"Okay" I mumbled guessing she was right and the fact that she was a doctor so she knew what she was talking about.

"How about that diner down the street? You don't have to have anything big" Carina reassured me so I just nodded slowly I placed my bag in the trunk of the car and took my bag with me into the back before climbing in and doing my seatbelt up. As we drove to the diner I had many negative thoughts racing around my head, voices from the kids at school calling me names. I ran a hand through my hair and looked down, the car ride to the diner was quiet, it was semi-awkward but soon we were at the diner and I knew I had to choose something to eat.

"You can have anything you like bambina" Carina said to me as we got a booth, I sat on my own in the corner of the booth with Carina and Maya sitting opposite me. It was loud here which put me on edge but I tried to hide it as I looked at the menu. Most of the foster parents I've had always choose what I eat, nobody gave me a choice so it was strange having free range of the menu but as I looked at the menu I frowned, I wanted to choose something with fewer calories but I didn't know what to choose.

"Hi, Welcome to Blair's Diner. What can I get you three" a tall blonde woman asked and I frowned, I wasn't ready.

"It's alright Rose take your time" Maya said softly as I looked at the menu feeling panicked. I decided to go with the grilled cheese and orange juice which is one of the only drinks I'll drink without a problem not that I was allowed it with my ex-foster father. I asked Maya and Carina for what I wanted and they both said it was okay, that I could have whatever I wanted.

"You hot Bambina?" Carina asked, how could she tell I was hot, I mean I am but it's not obvious, is it? But I couldn't take my jacket off because then Maya and Carina will see how truly fucked up I really am, they will see the bruises that scattered my arms and the rest of my body, and the cuts and scars, what if they see them and take me straight back to Amanda.

"No, I'm fine" I lied biting the inside of my cheek. I hoped they would fall for it and they did.

"You asked about school when we were in Amanda's office and I didn't say anything, you deserve an answer" I decided to bring up school seeing as I'll have to start a new school in Seattle.

"You don't have to tell us if you're not ready Bambina" Carina said but I have to tell them.

"No, it's fine!" I nodded slowly.

"I don't like school, I hate it. I know it's important to go to school and get an education but it's always the same. I spend the days alone unless you count the endless bullying I receive as being with people. I started skipping school and going to the library in the town, I've learnt more there than I ever have done in school but I know that may not be possible now I'm being fostered by you two" I explained biting my lip as I looked down.

"We can look into home education if that's what you would really want to do, right Carina?" Maya said in more of a question than a reassurance

"Si, we can but you'd have to come into work with one of us, if you come with me to Grey Sloan then you'd have to stay in my office or let me know where you are but we won't rush into things. We will take it as slow or as fast as you want. We will even look at you attending school if you feel like you can in the future." Carina said reassuringly

"Wait, really? It could be a possibility for me to do home education?" I asked sounding more shocked than anything, I didn't think that was possible.

"Si, we can talk about it with Amanda on the home visit next week" Carina responded making me smile but that smile faded as soon as our food was brought over to the table. I looked down letting my brown hair fall into my face, tears were in my eyes as I saw the grilled cheese in front of me. Taking a deep breath I fixed with my hands under the table. I couldn't screw this up! I couldn't make Maya and Carina regret fostering me. I sat in silence for a moment not looking up at the two women sitting opposite me. They had begun eating but it took me some time until I started to eat, each bite I chewed and chewed and chewed over and over until it was practically liquid. I swear Maya and Carina shared a look but I wasn't sure what their look meant so I decided to ignore it.

Maya's POV

Rose was a perfect fit for our little family, I knew from the moment Carina and I saw the brunette teen in the corner of the room, that she seemed to relax quicker than I had expected but I did sense that she was hiding something from us and as we were sat eating in a little diner before we were to drive home Carina and I shared a look of concern as Rose looked like she was going to be sick, especially when the food arrived. I mentally reminded myself to bring it up with my wife later when Rose isn't around, I thought she might be suffering from an eating disorder but I didn't want to just make assumptions

"Maya, could I ask you something?" Rose asked as she picked up her orange juice anxiously.

"Of course, you can Rose" I responded, I saw Rose look down.

"What is your fire station like? I always told myself that when I was old enough I would try and come and see if anyone could tell me about the woman will leave me but" Rose paused looking like she was thinking of what to say next "but I guess now I'm just curious to what it's like" she said with a shrug.

"We are all like a family. Yes sometimes we argue but every family argues. When you're ready to we then you can come with me into work and meet everyone but I won't rush you into that. We have the few days to get to know each other and for you to settle in. We can do anything at your pace okay Rose?" I reassured Rose who nodded

"And I was thinking how about tomorrow if you feel up to it, we could all go shopping, get things for your new room, and get you a suitcase?" Carina asked Rose who looked shocked.

"Why would you buy me things if you're just fostering me? None has ever done that before, well none apart from one foster family I now" Rose asked which broke my heart, she didn't think we wanted her to stay. I would love to have known what was going on in Rose's head but I couldn't seem to figure her out.

"Your part of our family now Bambina, we want you to stay with us as long as possible. We want this to work" Carina said bringing a smile onto the brunette teen's face.

"Can we decorate the room? I've never been able to decorate my own room before" Rose asked with a look of hope but also fear in her eyes.

"Of course you can. Its going to be your room now" I told her.

"Really" Rose giggled, I nodded along with Carina I wish I could have captured the joy on her face, it was like a child on Christmas day, having Rose in my life just felt right and I never thought I would have ever said this but I hope one day Carina and I can adopt Rose and have her apart of our family permanently.

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