6: He Hates Her So Much, He Wants Her Closer

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Thursday's tutoring sessions were even weirder. It wasn't because she was interrupting him like last Tuesday, but because she was distracting him.

"If you think of the..." Jeno would stop talking the moment he would turn his head to write something on the board for the literature review class and catch a glimpse of her sitting down and distracting herself while waiting for her turn to teach science after him.

He coughs. "If you think about it, the Western Popular Literature of How to Kill a Mockingbird is often associated with the era it was published; this kind of literature analysis is called—"

He turns around and catches a glimpse of her again. Strands of her hair were falling out of her low ponytail as she leaned in forward to busy herself. It was like he wanted to walk up to her and push it out of her face, just like he did yesterday.

"Can anyone remember what it's called?"

The room goes quiet, and he nods his head. "Alright," he claps his hands together, catching the attention of the quiet group, "maybe you're just feeling shy about your answers." He walks up to the front and pulls out small scrap papers she had prepared for these situations.

He looked up, and there Eunji was standing, waiting for her own pile of papers.

But Jeno's head wasn't in the right place already; he stood there staring at her without a word coming out of his mouth.

"What?" Eunji looked at him weirdly.

That snaps him out of his trance, and he stares at her. "You shouldn't—"he coughs– "stand so close to me."

Cho raises an eyebrow at him before taking a step back and taking half the pile to give out to the group. Jeno stood there, looking at her. It took him a while to realize that she had already distributed the papers to everyone in the class and that everyone was quietly writing down the answer to his question.

Then she stands at the end of the classroom facing him, just like everyone else, but he was suddenly all conscious of how he moved and how he walked. He walked across the room just to stand next to her, not directly facing her.

"While you're at it with answering my question, write down what you think is the overarching theme of the story." He moves forward, walking through the room and reading answers over their shoulders.

Jeno hears footsteps approach him. There was only one other person in the room who wasn't busy writing on their pieces of paper. When she stood next to him, his whole body froze for a few seconds before he took a deep breath, finally taking in air after he had stopped breathing for a second.

"Why are you acting so weird?" Cho whispers as she stands there beside him with their shoulders touching and her body leaning slightly closer to his.

His eyebrow raised as he felt her shoulders touch his forearm. Then her question slowly registered in his brain. He takes a step away from her.

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