He went to answer but was cut off by Creed, " Nova ". 

Lark looked over my shoulder and he frowned, he then looked back at me, " You're with them? Nova what the fuck is going on? ".

 I looked at Creed, " Creed, please let him go, don't kill him ", I pleaded. 

Pleading lately has been the number one thing I do, so shameful. 

" Nova, you know I can't do that. I need answers and he will tell me ", Creed said glaring at Lark. 

I watched Zoran bring out what looks like a weapon.

 " NO!! No please Creed!! Let me talk to him first. Please ", I grabbed his hand pleading with my eyes. 

Zoran continued getting closer to him, " You hurt him and I will kill you! ", I threatened him. 

He looked up at me growling, but I held his stare. He didn't scare him and I wanted to show him that. 

" Five minutes, that's all you get five minutes ", Creed said, motioning Zoran to exit. 

Zoran glared at me, dropping the weapon near the table and following Creed. I turned to Lark who's looking at me like I grew two heads. 

" How are you still alive? We thought you were dead. Your sister mourned for you, fuck she still is, she hasn't been the same since that night ". 

" Where is Nyx? Is she safe? ", I asked him. 

He stared at me, studying me, " She is safe I got her out before we were surrounded ", he said. 

" Why did you attack them, Lark? ", I asked him. 

" Why did I attack?... Are you kidding me Nova? We attacked you... we did it for you!! ", he yelled. 

I looked down, tears falling now repeated, " So much has happened since that night. Everything is not what it seems. There were so many Innocent people here and you killed them... why? ", he shook his head looking at me with disbelief. 

" They are the enemy Nova, or have you forgotten that? ". 

I let out a frustrated sob, " Where is my sister Lark? ".

 " Safe, she is safe and away from here ", he snapped at me.

 " Why are you with Nova? What happened? ", he asked, sighing.

 I stared at his pleading eyes, looking down at my necklace. 

I held it tight. Closing my eyes briefly, I looked up at him again, " I'm not... I'm not completely human ". 

He looked taken back. 

" Nova, what the hell are you talking about? What kind of brain wash shit have they done to you? Of course you are human Nova what the fuck? ", he exaggerated. 

I shook my head, showing him the pendant, " Lark, this pendant belongs to Creed and apparently it's too strong for a human that it could kill me, but it hasn't ", I try explaining.

 " Nova, this is bullshit. Now they have actual names. NOVA THEY ARE JAGERS AND THEY ARE PLAYING WITH YOUR HEAD!! ", he yelled at me. 

At that moment Creed walked back in. 

" I think that's enough ", he said, coming beside me putting a hand gently on my shoulder. 

" Don't touch her, I don't know what you've done to her but I will kill you! ", Lark threatened.

 Creed just smirked at the threat, " Listen human I would stop talking, I haven't killed you yet because of Nova but don't tempt me with a good time ", he said dangerously low. 

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