Chapter 1: the 1st sorting

Start from the beginning

In Hufflepuff, you'll find your heart,

But soon you'll know that's just the start.

In Ravenclaw, you'll find your wit,

But you must know, it always exists.

And Slytherin trumps all ambition,

But that shall not define your disposition.

For each of these traits,

as true as they come,

Are merely slates,

Merely a crumb.

For your true character,

Is not your competitor.

Your every house,

Combined in one,

My words do not define anyone."

The hall burst into applause much to Katherine suprise. If anything she found the song to be rather uninspiring if at least a nice moral boost for the more nervous 1st years.

The elder Woman took to the stage again, sweeping the hat off of the stool and holding out a large piece of rolled up parchment, hovering her gaze over it, struggling to read the name at the top of the list.

"Adams, Andrew!" her tired voice rang out as she looked over the group of 1st years, watching as a tall slender boy separated himself from the group.

Andrew reached the stage quickly, stumbling over to the stool before being gestured to sit down.

The hat was swiftly placed onto the boy's head, The fabric falling to his nose, obstructing his eyesight.

"RAVENCLAW!" The hat shouted after a few seconds.

The table adorned with Blue and Bronze decor erupted in applause as the small boy took his seat, Katherine saw a ghost nodding sadly at her.

"Abrams Jenny!"

The girl stepped up to the stool and the hat shouted out the second it reached her head, "RAVENCLAW!".

Jenny scurried off to sit with Andrew as Professor McGonagall continued with the list. The A's went quickly, and the B's were upon Sirius before he could register it.

"Black Sirius" McGonagall shouted out.

Sirius squeezed Katherine's shoulder as he walked through the crowd up towards the stage. He sat down on the wooden stool with a sly smile on his face and a mischievous glint in his eyes, Katherine was in awe at how well he fitted in with the scene. Sirius spent a fair amount of time on the stool, waiting for the hat to announce his house.


Sirius's stomach dropped as he looked around, dazed. The entire hall fell quiet as the students' voices dropped to a whisper.

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