"Huh? What are you doing here?" Alexis spluttered out.

"Nice to see you too." Lando laughed.

"Oscar was supposed to be getting me." Alexis' nose scrunched up in confusion, which Lando thought was absolutely adorable.

"Yeah, he asked me to come get you instead."

"Would've been nice if he had of let me know."

Lando shrugged, as he grabbed her suitcase and began wheeling it through the airport, "It was all kinda last minute."

Alexis followed along next to him, as they made it outside where he had parked the car. Lando put her luggage in the boot before they both got into the car, before he started the car and drove off and into the direction of the hotel.

"How was your flight?" Lando asked.

"Let's just say I'm glad to be out of that tiny metal tube with wings."

Lando laughed, "That shit, huh?"

"You have no idea." Alexis chuckled too, before she noticed a camera sat on his dashboard. "Is this yours?"

Lando looked to where she was gesturing, before nodding.

Alexis picked up the camera, turning it on and pointing it towards Lando. She took a couple pictures, before placing it back down again. Lando pretended not to notice, as he kept his eyes firmly on the road. He was worried that if he looked at her too long, he'd get too distracted and would more than likely end up crashing the car.

After a few moments of peaceful silence and Alexis staring out the window in awe, she said, "Bahrain is gorgeous."

Lando could appreciate her point of view; he was so used to travelling and being in different countries for their races, he often forgot just how magical some of the places were. Seeing it through Alexis' eyes brought him back to when he first started racing internationally and how he'd felt the exact same she did now.

"Just wait until you see some of the other places we race in, like Japan or Monaco." Lando replied.

Alexis sighed contentedly in response, Lando's heart swelling at the sight of her.

It wasn't long before they were pulling up to the hotel, as Lando grabbed Alexis' bag from the boot before giving his car keys to the valet, and they entered the reception. Alexis spun around as she took in the sight of the space; she knew the F1 drivers stayed in nice places but she truly didn't expect it to be like this.

After getting sorted at the desk with her room, Lando waited for her so they could ride the elevator up together as they were on the same floor anyway. Alexis assumed because she was a guest of McLaren that she'd be near the rest of the team, so it didn't phase her.

They strolled through the hallway, Alexis looking at each room number before stopping in front of the one matching her key card.

"This one's me." Alexis nodded her head to the door.

"Would you look at that, I'm right next door to you." Lando grinned cheekily.

"Did you do this on purpose, Norris?" Alexis raised an eyebrow at him.

Lando laughed, "No! I don't have that kind of power. Or maybe I do, I dunno. But no, I didn't do it. Just pure coincidence."

Alexis just narrowed her eyes at him, before she laughed and said, "You're an idiot."

She tapped her key card on the door, it clicking as a green light appeared. Alexis pushed the door open, dragging her suitcase through before the door closed behind her. She left her suitcase up against one of the walls, instead opting to check out her room in its entirety. It was simple, but boy was it beautiful.

My Brother's Teammate | Lando Norrisजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें