Chapter 2- selfishness

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My name is emmy,i am the third and last child Mr.Alex family, i have  a sister named eisha and  my favourite Big Brother felik.
Since childhood, I've been very critical with my heart,but of course, my brother helped a lot in this because I was possessed by his spoiling, haha. It's like every boy approached me, My eyes imagined him with my brother's face .Can u imagine and believe it? But exactly, that's what happened to me all years until high school when a certain boy called Jeffrey transferred to our school from Dar es salaam.
I will never forget that day. Poor me  was running late for school as i bump into broad chest with fine body as if it was decorated as i was about to fall and my mind preparing for scolds my hand grabbed by warm and smooth hand and my body pulled back in that fine chest again where i lost all my past,present and my future hahah. When i look at the owner, that's where i was almost going down again and probably faint , God, what a face,what an amazing eyes, and what he did next was probably the biggest hole which swallow my whole purity he smile and ask if i was okay ,he was saying sorry while i was the one who should said that because i was running like crazy earlier.
My mind and my eyes were only blinking and examining if i was dreaming or if it can fine boy with a fine body of man exist. His body set and smile were different from his age and height. But i find it very well arranged.
May be he sence that am not in rea world at that time he start shaking my arm which till now was in his holds ...
I wake up from my dream world, and i remember i was late for class,  so i apologized and unknowingly smiled at him, then continued walking to the school gate.
God, wat was that??? i promised myself, i would tell mira,mira was my  friend and my secret holder.
It was winter but my face was burning like it was cooked, out from nowhere my body started burning too.
As expected, i was late for class, and mr.remmy was already in class, but he was our godfather who loved us a lot, so i passed without scolding from him, although i knew mira won't let me off.

My school is called Arfik English medium school and it was different from other schools,  our schools differentiate boys and girls in class except canteen hours and final examinations period since we share same hall. At first I was surprised to this separation but as days goes on i understand why they do that and since i was not onto boys it was favour on my side Although some girls hated this example my friend mira, she like interaction and build news company always of course she likes boys hahaha.


My name is jeffrey hudson, the first and only boy in hudson's family. i have one young sister called julfa, and my mom named salma.
My whole life since childhood hasn't been easy because i grew up in knowing and carrying huge responsibility for the family. My dad always tells me i am the man of the house after him, so no mistakes. I have always kept that principle and hold on perfection in every aspect, from school's grade to home manner, maintaining.
It was easy because i set my goals in believing i am the next man in my family.
But everything changed when my dad expanded his business  and my mom forced us to go with him, so i got transferred to a new school called Arfik English medium school. It wasn't easy at first, but after a week, i cope with it, and since the school differentiates girls' classes and boys classes, i start liking my new school because of this rule.

It have been a 2 weeks now since we come to new environments, and for the first time i didn't hear my alarm and i was very late for school i dont know why but may be because i was so tired Yesterday's revision. As i walked to school , I heard very loud footsteps like someone was running faster,  the time i turned around. Small face with floated hair  welcomes me and bumps into my chest , i didn't know if it's because of running force, but she was about to fall back when i grabbed her tiny hands and pulled her back to my chest...instead of thanking me she starts  smiling and staring at me and i smile too but then i realise we both late for class so i shake her hand which i still hold it unknowingly.
She came to the real world from the staring world, apologized, and finally  thanked  me and rushed to  school without waiting for my responses.
I smiled and walked away to my class, too.
This was the first girl to make my heart flute and beat faster. I didn't know what I felt, but one thing i knew for sure was that I wanted to meet her again, tiny girl, haha.
Arfik english Medium School was the second school in the country, knowing for it outstanding and brilliant results and students.
It was located at the west part of the country and has two branches in the same place because boys and girls are differentiated in classes except  they share canteen and examination halls
Simply, it looks bad, but it has been a very beneficial experience for both school and students' improvements.
The school has nursery, primary, and secondary education for high level and pre university tuition, basically its day school but once students are in final exams its compulsory for them to stay boarding till they finish exams.

Hey lovers, please tolerate and igonre my poor grammar and english . It's my second language..hope u enjoy and forgive me for delays. I was a little bit u all.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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