After he closed the bathroom door, I massage my temple because my head is aching so much.

Then I remember to check my conversation with Joong and I almost screamed when I read it and checked the timing.

I have only one hour left before the program start and I'm still here wearing my clothes from yesterday and smelling like a shit.

"I'm not drinking again," I promise myself realizing what have we done last night to my apartment. It's all mess up.

Geler and Pentor already woke up and having some coffee in the kitchen.

When Diamond finishes taking shower, I asked the three of them to help me with my problems. On what should I wear and what should I do with the dark circle under my eyes.

Five minutes of taking shower, 25 minutes of choosing clothes. Then go to the parlour and put some makeup on me as they suggested.

I have no choice but to do what they suggested because I have no time remaining.

They told me they will clean up my apartment for a little bit so I gave them extra key to lock it after.

As soon as I arrived at the venue, the Hotel pavilions was already pack with visitors, and the program already started.

I don't know why they choose to celebrate their anniversary here at the hotel. It kinda looks so expensive to me.

Well I don't really care If they so much of their money, I just came here for my presence and I need to find them, greet them, and runaway. And that's is my goal for tonight.

Because I'm not feeling well and wants to puke out, and still having a severe headache.

One hour past, and guess what? I'm still at the venue because they don't want me to leave and they even told me they are going to announce important stuff to us later tonight.

But nnly Joong said so, when I'm about to ask, Joong said that it's also a surprise to him.

So I waited for that time comes.

While waiting, I mingle with others because I'm already bored sitting by myself.

I've meet YinWar, BounPrem, MilkLove, BossNoeul, PondPhuwin Couples and many more couples that are invited.

After a few hours more, my headache finally subside a little bit and they invited us to go outside at the beach side.

So everyone went there and look for their own places but we are all stopped by the guard at the white ribbon barricade before we could reach and step on the sand.

Only Joong and Dunk walk further more to the sad area.

Then a firework displays appeared to us and then saw the words written on the background.

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