Chapter 2

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Offroad's pov

Another Saturday comes and I've been declining Dunk's invitations to me since the day I visited his house.

I'm terrified and almost lost myself that day.

I've got traumatized since that day. And I never told Dunk about the incident that I experienced.

And now, I feel like regretting my decision staying in that place.

"Off, it's Saturday again, when are you going back to your place?" Diamond asked me while making his coffee.

"I don't know," I whispered just enough for him to hear.

I lazily lied down the sofa while stretching my body thinking what am I going to do next.

I want to cancel my agreement to the owner of the apartment, but I'm already fully paid.

I wanted to tell the management regarding the incidents, but I don't why I didn't tell them.

"You've mentioned that you have a friend living in there, why don't you ask help?"

"I don't feel like telling him," I answered him while thinking deeply. My inner self are still debating if I can asked Dunk about my situation.

We are not like before, I don't want him to get involved in my problems. I know we are close before, but that was five years ago.

Even if Dunk told me that I can asked him anything, but still, the feeling of shyness takes over me.

"Off, I cannot help if you are not going to help yourself you know."

I took a deep breath and think deeply again.

"Give me some time, till this afternoon I guessed," not really sure about my answer.

"Okey, just tell me and I will ask Geler and Pentor to go with you,"


After that, I finally decided to go and ask Dunk for help.

I also asked Diamond Pentor and Geler not to come with me anymore, cause they already help me a lot.

After reaching the parking lot, I took the time to check my surroundings first before getting out my car.

I didn't sense anything danger at all. Maybe I'm just overreacting that day.

I feel like I'm being stupid while thinking of it.

So I field my mind with happy thoughts while walking through the glass entrance, to distract that feelings again.

When I'm about to take out the card inside my pocket my car key slip off my hands.

I bowed down and get the key on the floor when a silhouette on my right side wall.

Slamping on the floor because my knees are shaking because of shocked. And a loud scream can be heard from me echoing the building of parking lot.

I can't move in my spot at time because my body freezer, so I just closed my eyes waiting for something bad happened to me.

After a few seconds, I screamed again for tge second time because someone tap my shoulder.

"Did I scare you sir?" the voice asked me.

I slowly opened my eyes and see the security guard in front of me looking apologetically.

What the heck, I scream in my head again this time.

I felt so embarrassed right now and I felt my face getting red.

I hurriedly got and fix myself.

"I'm so sorry about that," I apologize to him.

"About Last Saturday" DAOU and OFFROAD FFWhere stories live. Discover now