Jungkook: yeoboseo grandma, how are you?

Grandma: jungkook i love to be called by your nick name grandma make me feel old and also care to explain about you leaving jeon family!!

Jungkook: grandma i didn’t leave the house for fun the thing your son did to me was nothing but cruelness

Grandma: whatt? What do you mean jungkook what happened that i don’t know!!

Then jungkook said all the thing that happen with him from him being torture by his parents and they not believing him and they also locked him in a abandon basement which was dark and then "ninny you know right how much scared i got if i see very dark room and you very well know about the night right! Appa also was aware that i will get visions of that night still he choose to give me hard time while knowing half of the thing"

He was telling her but instead of listening she start to watch tv while he was saying then she put on the speaker while he said "ninny you here nin-"

"Yeah jungkook my child here I'm i just get emotional you know right" mrs jeon made a crying sound while she drink her tea and beside her jungkook's cousin jeon ariella was silently giggling

Then jungkook said "ahm ninny don’t be sad I'm staying good!" mrs jeon frowned and ariel stop giggling and also frowned while signaling mrs jeon to ask where
then mrs jeon said "umm my child jungkook you leave the house so where do you live now?"

Then jungkook said "oh ninny i live in yoong- ahh i live in a apartment i brought with my money" mrs jeon looked at ariel and said "ohh i see you started to spent YOUR money"

Ariel wide her eyes and start to bite her nails then jungkook said "yeah why not all the way my beloved grandpa wrote down that the generation will change so instead of appa i will get all his money and houses but appa will get his business right"

Mrs jeon smiled awkwardly while remembering her husband whom she marry only to get all his money in her name but it turn out that he has already planned to give all of the property to his grandson as he believe future generation will be changed and it really happened

And mrs jeon's anger took over while she control herself from killing jungkook as he only can name all the property in mrs jeon's name and if she die ariel her grand-daughter is there mrs jeon's another hand

Then mrs jeon said "jungkook you may live alone right can't you just shift in our house you know i live all alone my child please shift here with me!!" jungkook took a bite of his food and was about to answer but jimin came while he took off his coat and put on the couch and he also sit there

Then jungkook said "ah ninny i will talk to you later hmm bye" with that he cut the call and start to eat while mrs jeon said "but- arghh such a bit*h he is to cut the call" ariel smirk after listening to her and said "his ninny will make him a ariella's favorite kitty right my granny" mrs jeon chuckled while ruffling her hair and she left from there

Jungkook finished his eating and took the plate to wash then jimin sit on the chair and knocked on the chair while saying "kook please serve me I'm so tired to do anything"

Jungkook nodded while humming and put the plate in the dish hanger while he took a fresh plate and serve for him after that he gave the plate to jimin and jimin said "Bismillah"
and start to eat

My Beloved One: A Muslim FictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon