The realizations trip

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Jeongyeon had been locked in her room for three days after the conversation with Sana. Nayeon and Minhyuk thought she was mad at them for not answering to the phone. Momo kept saying that the girl was hurting herself.

Nayeon thought something might have happened with Sana, so she decided to go talk to her at her house.

-Hey, how's it going?- Sana asked seeing her at the door. -How is Jeong? She doesn't answer my calls.

-Hey Sana. This is exactly what I wanted to talk to you about, I thought you knew something about it.

The girl shook her head negatively. -Unfortunately not. Let's sit down.

Nayeon then realized that their friend was probably angry with them for not answering the phone. They had had reasons not to.

-Here... Besides this, I came to talk to you about Minhyuk.

-Yes, how did it go? -Sana asked smiling.

Nayeon's expression, however, immediately made her serious.

-Well... It went more or less like this...

Minhyuk had returned home after a day of work and was surprised not to see Jeongyeon on the couch. He thought she was in her room. He went to her room to take a shower and it was there that he found his girlfriend wearing lingerie.

-We are alone.- she whispered to him.

Minhyuk was surprised. What was happening?

-Nay, are you sure?

-We've waited so long... I'm sure.

The boy put the documents he was holding on the ground and approached Nayeon, starting to kiss her, first slowly, then with more passion. Nayeon stepped back to fall onto the bed and Minhyuk placed himself on top of her. The boy quickly took off her tie, while Nayeon watched him smiling. Then the first touches began, delicate, gentle and pleasant touches.

-At that point I sat down.

Sana looked at her confused. Weren't those nice, gentle touches?

-And then?

-Then I told him I had a stomach ache and that I had my period.

-Oh... And him?

-"Thank goodness, otherwise it would have meant that you had cheated on me."

-Does he always have this particular sense of humor?- Sana asked. -A bit like Jeong's... But why did you leave? What happened?

Nayeon looked down. -Thinking about another person while you're making love to your boyfriend is the worst thing you can do. I felt so dirty. I tried to stop my thoughts, but the image of... She kept coming to mind. Then I didn't make it. It's not fair to Minhyuk.

-Mh... Did you ever doubt that you might like Jeongyeon?

-Actually no. But lately I've been wondering if that might be an option. What if it was? I would ruin everything between them.

-Or you just like how she touches you.

-And how can I understand it?

Sana seemed to think about it. -I think you should be alone with Minhyuk for a while. Spend time with him and try to understand how you feel about being with your boyfriend.

-I am convinced that I am in love with him.

-And yet you thought of someone else. I'll take care of Jeongyeon, don't worry.

Poor Sana... What was she getting herself into? Jeongyeon would have lynched her. And more or less so it was.

-Let me go! Tell me where they went!

Friend-ship|2YEON|ENGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora