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Nayeon and Jeongyeon then conversed normally, leaving Minhyuk's unusual behavior aside. Jeongyeon was increasingly curious and she couldn't wait to meet her friend to ask him what had been on his mind five years earlier. She had to wait all afternoon before seeing him, but at least she spent all the time with her best friend criticizing acquaintances, gossiping and making fun of their friend and Nayeon's boyfriend.


-There you are!- Jeongyeon exclaimed furiously, but pretended to be joking.

-Did I perhaps do something? Do you want to hit me?- the boy asked. -I'll buy you three boxes of espresso pods!

Jeongyeon rolled her eyes. -We need to talk.- she whispered to him before Nayeon reached them. -Three boxes you say? Let's do five and I turn a blind eye.

Minhyuk was worried because he didn't remember doing anything to Jeongyeon or Nayeon that would make the black-hairerd mad at him. That "we need to talk" was perhaps the most personal thing he had heard from Jeongyeon.

-Min, shall we go to the hotel?- Nayeon asked.

-Yes... We just need to add Jeongyeon's name.

-Let's go then.- Nayeon said walking towards the car.

Minhyuk looked at Jeongyeon and then walked towards his car. Jeongyeon sat behind her, alone, remembering the times when there were two people behind. Minhyuk drove full of thoughts, trying to remember everything he had done so far since the day he met Jeongyeon. Was she angry because he had borrowed her playstation? Had she discovered it? If that was it, the guy was screwed. Nayeon, however, enjoyed the trip in peace, happy to be with her favorite people: the boy she loved and grew up with and her best friend. Could she have asked for anything better?

Jeongyeon watched Minhyuk take Nayeon's hand as she stood on the handbrake and she felt a great sense of disgust and jealousy. But... Thinking about it... Why had she let herself be deceived by what Momo had said? It was obvious that she couldn't feel anything for her. 1. Nayeon had had a crush on Minhyuk since they were sixteen, a few months after Jeongyeon realized she had feelings for her friend; 2. her friend was straight, she had never shown interest in any girl, on the contrary, she tended to criticize them, especially if Minhyuk liked them, instead she had always encouraged Jeongyeon to conquer one of them. And this brings us to point 3. Nayeon was jealous of Minhyuk, she always had been.

-We have arrived.- Minhyuk said once parked.

-Don't tell me. I thought you stopped because you remembered that even a bear is better at driving than you.- Jeongyeon commented.

Nayeon laughed out loud and Minhyuk pouted. -No, come on, you're great at driving love.

Another thing Jeongyeon hated: lately there were no more diss tracks, only loving comments. Where were the Minhyuk and Nayeon who offended each other like there was no tomorrow? Where were her friends?

They got out of the car and Minhyuk took her bag, while Jeongyeon took her backpack and Nayeon's bag.

-I'll take it.- Minhyuk said. -She is my girlfriend.

That almost competitive tone... Was it just Jeongyeon's impression?

-She is my best friend.

-I'll carry it. It's mine. Sometimes you really seem like children...

-Look who's talking... The one who complains because she wants candy at indecent hours of the night.- Jeongyeon commented.

-Yet you came down to buy them for me. Learn from her, Min.

The boy rolled his eyes. -I chose to be with you, isn't it already the best thing that has happened to you?


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