You with the dark curls, you with the watercolour eyes

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Queenbee: WTH are Addams and Sinclair doing up there 😭😭😭😭

Vampy: each other 

Kenny: dear god, now we'll have two couples that bang like wild animals 💀

Mysmexygf: ok but we usually go for about an hour 🙄 they've been at it for almost 3 hours😭

ArtistFairy: y'all complain about me and Ken but we're not this loud🤨

Queenbee: because y'all sext in the gc 💀

Vampy: snip snip I got ur dick Addams ✂️🍆

Remus: nah I'm pretty sure you haven't cause it's inside me😜

Kenny: r u fr texting , mid nut 💀💀💀💀💀💀


Queenbee: oh thank god it's over 

Vampy: ADDAMS!

Sirius: What.

Vampy: while u were busy banging my bff ur deranged hand hit on me!

The Appendage: Yoko you know deep down we have a connection, you and I are each others missing half. ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

Slayjax: 😭😭😭😭

Vampy: I have a perfectly amazing gf and ur not even a full body🫤

The Appendage: I don't mind sharing 😍

Vampy: help! He just poked my nipple😰

Beeboy: I looked at the notifications and thought this would be a normal conversation then I see whatever the hell weds and e were doing, and thing hitting on yoko. I think I'll sjut return to the hives.

Slayjax: yal scrd bee man away😂

The Appendage: you know you want it yoko 😈

Sirius: thing you are going to horny jail.👉🏻🚔🚪🗝️

Mysmexygf: srry wil but u can not be speaking

Vampy: I've come to a conclusion, hornyness runs in rhe Addams Family 💯

Queenbee: eni can u walk🤔🤔🤔

Remus: a little

Slayjax: Wednesday got secret rizz 🤔

Kenny: Rizzday Addams??


Sirius: Tanaka, I have a proposal for you. Agree to date Thing so he will stop jacking off my mini cucumbers!

Vampy: Hell no! 

The Appendage: like we don't all do that 🙄

ArtistFairy: no, not with cucumbers.but that could js be me 🤷🏻

Sirius: not just you Xavier.

The Appendage: you are all fake ass mfs 

Remus: can we please stop talking about our masterbation habits in the group chat?😀

Queenbee: it's literally 1 am gts 

Everyone has gone offline.

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