I told this kid I'm ready for a fight

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Xavier redemption arc 

Xavier: I am here to apologize to Wednesday and whoever else I may have hurt. There was absolutely no legitimate reason that my reaction should have been that way when Wednesday took a big risk coming out to us. I truly believe I was reacting from internalized transphobia, which in NO WAY excuses my behaviour but instead explains. I am sorry Wednesday, I should have supported you but instead I was an ass.

Wednesday: Thank you Xavier. I accept your apology as I have done bad things to you before. Also sorry we never asked before but are you no longer cisgender?

Xavier: yes actually, I'm non binary, I've known for a while but I only just came out to my dad yesterday and he practically cut off personal ties with deciding just to finance me bc it would look better for our public image.

Enid: thank you for apologizing also sorry ab your dad❤️

Eugene: if you don't mind us asking, what r ur pronouns?

Xavier: they/them :)


Ajax: just read up, ily all

Eugene: 🐝🐝🐝

Sorry short chapter :)

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