Quiz Time: Is My Character Attractive Enough?

Start from the beginning

c) They seriously don't really care. Never really thought about it. 

d) They have self-esteem issues, but they're working through it. 

e) They're a freakin' dragon. Or unicorn. Or some other mythical creature. Who cares? 

f) None of the above. 

7. How many relationships has your character been in? 

a) None. 

b) One. 

c) Two to five. 

d) Six to ten. 

e) Definitely eleven or more. 

f) Screw eleven or more! My character has dated at least fifty people, woohoo!

8. Describe their... fingers. 

a) They have fingers that are good at playing piano. 

b) Yeah, their fingers have sometimes been mistaken for... well, sausages. 

c) So, so tiny! And adorable!

d) What fingers? My character is a dolphin. No fingers. 

e) Really long, manicured nails that can and will stab your eyes out. 

f) None of the above. 

9. Does your character work out? 

a) Yep! Goes to the gym every day!

b) Not really, but they've got toned abs by just existing. And broad shoulders. And muscular biceps. Yum. 

c) Nope. Nope. Nope. They would rather watch Netflix or cry to Disney. 

d) Does completing puzzles and playing sudoku count? Mental work outs count, right? Right? 

e) Dragons don't need to work out. Same with sirens. And elves. And whatever mythical creature your character is. 

f) None of the above. 

10. Describe your character's personality? 

a) Warm and bubbly!

b) Shy and sweet.

c) Rebellious and wild. 

d) Mysterious and brooding.

e) Intelligent and witty. 

f) None of the above. 

11. Does your character have abs? 

a) Yes. 

b) Yes. 

c) Yes. 

d) No. 

e) No. 

f) Maybe?

Now, I hope you have been keeping track of your scores! This is how you calculate your scores: 

a = 0 points. 

b = 0 points. 

c = 0 points. 

d = 0 points. 

e = 0 points. 

f = 0 points. 

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