Chapter 16: A Small Dilemma

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing?" He asked her.

"Wha-what are you talking about? I'm doing a thesis on Hell, remember? I just..." She dozed off for a second. "I need to get everything in order and I need more information, but I know I'm close to being done, surely."

"Yeah, I... kinda forgot your reason for doing... this. Look, I think you should... take a break from doing this-"

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" She nearly screamed, startling him. "I just... need to gather things together and, maybe... Heaven will-"

"Okay, that's enough." Ash says before going over and swiping papers off the bed.

"NO! My research-!" Azazel yelled before she was picked up in a bridal position.

"We can take of this room later, but right now..." He then plops her on the bed. "Sleep."

"Ash, I can't! I need to-"

"Azazel!" He then pinned her down by her shoulders. "Sleep! Now!"

She stared up at him, blushing slightly before nodding. "Okay." She says before he lets go of her. "But... maybe just-" He grabbed a pillow and placed it on her head, and she fell on the bed snoring.

Ash sighed before he took the blanket and threw it over her. He felt bad for the angel and decided to lean down before kissing her forehead, causing her to smile in her sleep.

Smiling back, he petted her hair for a second before raising a brow as he looked closer at her hair. Lifting some of it a bit, he could see a small fade of gray just around the edge of her bangs. He got a little puzzled but stood up and thought it was something he should worry about later before going to the door. He took one more look at the paper-covered room before leaving.

'Poor girl.' He thought to himself before leaving the door.

Walking down the stairs, Ash looked at the living room and saw Judgement lying there, seeing the Growlithe she brought home yesterday snuggled in her arms as both slept peacefully. He smiled at seeing them, though when he saw Darkrai just across from them, staring in jealousy, and went over to pet him which made him calm down... just a little bit.

Then he walked over to the kitchen, figuring he could get started on making Monica's coffee early. He got the pot out along with the cream and sugar, filled the maker with water, put the filter in it, and went through the cabinets to look for the homemade mix.

"Come on, I swear I still had some left." He muttered to himself.

"Here you go." A voice says before a hand extends holding the bag.

"Oh, thanks." He says while taking it and putting the mix in the filter before he froze in realization.

Bag still in hand, he slowly turned to whoever else was with him in that room. Standing in front of him was the Mysterious demon he recently met yesterday.

"Good morning. ~" Baphomet says all cheery.

"... Good morning, Baphomet." Ash says while putting the bag down. "I didn't think you'd still be here."

"Well, I decided to come by and visit. I hope you don't mind." She tells him casually.

"... Right." He says before starting the coffee maker... then feels something fluffy pop up from his pants. "Hey!"

"Sorry." She says before making the goat tail disappear.

"Did you just come back here to turn me into a goat?" He asked in annoyance.

"No, no, I'm not here to do such a thing... even though you are... such a rare find, and... really hot..." She says while her mouth starts to water. "And just about irresistible-"

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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