Time skip_

"What are you doing beomgyu? why i have to put makeup?"

"Shut up, i told you'll see"

Soobin quickly zipped his mouth because angry beomgyu is scary. He knows that well.


Now they are in a textile shop.

And beomgyu let soobin sit on the couch in the shop and started to look for a good outfit.

He pick a outfit and walk towards to soobin and looked the outfit and soobin and shook his head. 'no'

And he repeated this action a while. Finally a cloth he liked pick and let soobin change.

Soobin entered to the changing room and put on the outfit.
He get out from the room and looked at beomgyu. Beomgyu looked at him for a moment. A satisfied smile came to his lips.


Now they are in the car.
"Aah, beomgyu where are you taking me?" Soobin asked now a little pissed.

"We will reach soon wait a little"

Soobin knows beomgyu well, if he said that what he said.

Few minutes later

They reached at the destination soobin waiting to see. Soobin quickly opened the door and looked at the place where his friend took him.

He looked at the big building. His eyes widened see where he is..

"Hybe labes" soobin shouted. soobin looked at beomgyu with the same shock expression.

"What are we doing here? Can you please tell me now?" Soobin asked his friend one more time.

"Okay, so today there is a interview not actually a interview, a modeling competition you can say"

"Uh modeling competition?"
Beomgyu nodded and continued..

"So today hybe labes the big modelling company prepared a competition for models like you, they want to choose a model for their company, so i took u to here for that" beomgyu said proudly.

"What the heck beomgyu i didn't even prepared for that" soobin said nervously.

"Aish soobin don't say that, it's your dream right and i know you can do better, and if you are not attending this compatition then i will kill you, i spent my money and my valuable time for you"

Soobin looked at him with 'are you serious?' a face. Soobin signed defeatingly.


"Yaay, i am so happy" beomgyu started to jumb like a kid.

Then he looked at the time it's showing 1:28.
"Oh my god soobin come on its start soon"

Beomgyu already give the details of soobin to the company not knowing him. After soobin knows about this he really shocked because he don't even ask for it. Beomgyu give him a 🙂 smile.


So many of peoples come there to participate in this event. Because of that soobin's confident is becoming low because only 2 persons can become model.

And if you become a model of this company then it's a big turning point of your life because it's a big company.

Beomgyu noticed soobin. "Soobin you can do this? Don't let your hope down okay?"

Soobin looked at his friend and give him a smile. He did some good deed in his past life to get a good friend like him, he is too loud, but he is a soft person too.

Arranged marriage with the CEO / Yeonbin ffWhere stories live. Discover now