Chapter Two

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The next morning I woke up I checked my phone and saw multiple texts from Erza. She was sending me pictures of strawberry cake? I chuckled and rolled out of bed. I got into the shower and took my sweet time. I realized I was going to see Erza today so I decided to hurry up I rushed my shower and ran towards the guild. I was now stress free, my rent was payed food bought and now I could spoil myself with the rest of my money [200 000 Jewel] I decided to buy erza a strawberry cake and clothes that I really did not need. I walked t o Erza's favorite cake store and bought her a whole strawberry cake.

I saw two young boys around the age of 6. They were adorable, i wanted to go smush their cheeks. One of them has long blonde hair and a red hat while the other had short spiky blonde hair.They were waiting for something big because I heard the baker say that their order would be 30 more minutes I got the cake I ordered for Erza and the two boys were staring at me. I smiled at them and waved. Their faces started glowing as they smiled back at me and waved enthusiastically.

I left the store with erza's cake and made my way to the guild hall.  I opened the door and saw erza sitting and talking to mirajane. I put the cake on a table nearby and jumping onto her hugging her tightly. She hugged me back and twirled me around. After our friendly reunion I gave her the strawberry cake to which she smiled overjoyed at.

I greeted Mirajane and everyone else. Erza and I were catching up until Natsu and Grey started causing a ruckus. They went back and forth until Master Makrov stopped them. He yelled at them and gave them some sort of punishment. I stopped listening when he told them their punishment. Erza and I decided to go for a walk. We walked around the surrounding area of the guild.

It started getting dark so we headed to the guild. When we got there we saw Mirajane and Elfman talking, I told them erza and I were calling it a day and left. I stopped by Erza's apartment [I'm calling it Beverly Hills I can't remember the name] after we said our goodbyes I started making my way to my apartment.

On my way home I felt a different type of chill in the air. As I turned a corner to the alley that led home I heard something behind me. Cautiously I continued walking, I was being followed. I picked up my pace and decided to go to the magic council instead of home. I could still hear someone or something behind me, it's footsteps, but every time I turned around they or it disappeared. Maybe I was hallucinating? I started running to the magic council, I could hear the thing behind me, I assumed it were a person because they were breathing heavily.

When I got to the magic council I told them why I was there and they caught him. Abackwe Rouge a wanted criminal who chased down little girls in order to rape them. They locked him up and someone accompanied me home. Altear was her name she was very nice to me and seemed a few years older than me. I thanked her and went into my apartment. 'I would’ve been fine on my own.' I thought to myself. I took a quick shower and found my way to bed.

I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. Around midnight I started tossing and turning my sleep broke. I sat in my bed and opened my curtain. It was quiet most things illuminated by the moonlight everything still. I found myself dreaming while starting at the water that gently rippled under the moonlights eyes.

I got off my bed and got a glass of water and got back into bed. I laid awake for sometime deciding to check my phone. I realized I forgot to text Erza. I checked my phone to see it was being spammed by Erza. I texted her telling her I got back safely and I fell asleep before I could text her. She was obviously asleep so I ended up playing games.

Hey guys this was honestly a dumb chapter but I had to feed yall some history and their lives so we're not utterly confused

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