A New Mutant

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( It has been a week, since Arcee and her partner/sister in all but blood Lana. Had saved  Lana's adopted mother from Airachnid and Mech. However, something strange happened on that day. Lana, had freed herself from the webbing that  Airachnid used to keep her from saving her June. But before she could figure out how. The webbing burned until there was nothing left. Which allowed Lana to help Arcee try and encase Airachnid in cement.  Which sadly had failed. The Autobots were even able to get some much-needed reinforcements in the form of Autobots Windblade, Hotrod, Strongarm Drift, and Elita One. Currently, Lara was hiding behind a brick wall, since she and one of her best friends named Raphiel. Had run after her other friend Miko, who had followed the Autobots into a joint battle between them, their liciesion Fowler, and an army of military soldiers. In a battle against the Decepticons and Mech. They were currently hiding behind a steel/brick wall)

" Are you ever going to get it through your thick head? Your constant need to watch the battle up close. IS GONNA PUT EVERYONE IN DANGER! " Said Lana. " Cut me some slack will ya, We're safe and no one's gotten hit that badly." Said Miko as she moved a bit closer to the fight.  " One of these days she's gonna get one of us hurt or the autobots severely injured. " Said Raf. " Yeah, and today maybe that." Said Lana. "Let's pray that it isn't, silas and his men have even more advanced tech than they did last time. But we have gotta stop Miko." Said Raph as he went to try and move to a different cover.

" ( Notices two snipers on the top platform of a nearby balcony).  Raph look out, SNIPERS!" Yelled Lana as she shoved Raph out of the way of the snipers. Only to get hit in the cheast and in the head by the bullets. Before falling onto her hands and knees. " ( Hears the sound of guns hot go off and then looks back to see  Lana on her hands and knees). LANA, NO ( Looks over and spots Miko ). MIKO WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? ( Kicks  Airachnid away and then quickly runs over to  Lana). LANA ARE YOU OK?" Asked Arcee as Elita occupied Airachnid.

 ( Optimus and  Megatron stopped their battle for a split minute and watched how the holes in  Lana's cheast and head had begun to close and heal. As if she was never even shot)

" Extraordinary,  then she must be one of those humans with latent abilities." Said  Megatron. "Indeed, but what those abilities may entail is a truly different story." Said  Optimus as he and  Megatron went back to fighting soon after. " ( Shakes her head to get rid of the ringing sound in her head and then slowly stands up ). Awe, that really hurt. ( Looks up at  Arcee). I'm ok Arcee, somehow at least. ( Looks up at the two snipers). But now, I'M REALLY MAD!" Said  Lana. " ( Looks in the direction of the two snipers and then glares at them). I'll see if Fowler can get some of his men on that." Said Arcee as she used her body to protect  Lana. " ( Feels something tell her to tighten her fist). No need, I think I can handle this. But I'll need you to just me and just throw me." Said Lana. " ( Looks at  Lana for a second). Are you sure? ( Watches Lana nod her head). Ok then,  here goes." Grabs Lana and then throws her at the two snipers. Before watching as what looked to be three sets of burning claws come out of the knuckles in her hands. 

" YOU TWO HAVE TO GO!" Yelled  Lana as she used her newfound claws to unconsciously slash and then throw any mech soldier off of the roof. Not caring if she got shot or not due to the adrenalin rush that she was getting from what she was doing. ( Watches Lana take out the mech soldiers on the rooftop). Lana, what exactly are you? Said  Arcee as she went back to fighting the decepticons. 

( The fight lasted for three hours before Silas and Megatron ordered a retreat for both their forces. During this,  Arcee went and  Grabbed  Lana and set her down on the ground. As to not raise any suspicion. They then left for the autobot base,  thanks to Bulkhead calling in a ground bridge. However, right before  Megatron had left. Lana realized that she had heard Megatron say something in his mind. this prompted her to question what was truly going on with her as she and her allies left. While  Fowler and his  marines secured the area)

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