That's what everyone thought because that's what he made it seem and now he was living with the biggest regret of ever making Aurora feel that way. She felt he didn't love her anymore even though she did so much.

"I seems impossible to not love her" he admitted as the girl walked over with the bottle now ready to feed hope.

"Then I suggest you get up and go get the girl Elijah stop being a fool" Rebekah took the baby from the man before storming out of the room leaving Elijah with nothing but his thoughts.

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After Elijah pondered the thought of what to do about Aurora he finally decided what to do. Well first he was trying to decide whether to go to the girl or not to even reach out to her. She probably wanted nothing to do with him so that made him debate on whether he would bother her or not but in the end he thought he had nothing to lose.

He had already lost her because of his foolishness he knew Aurora had accepted that it was over. He knew he had hurt her in the worst way possible. If he went to explain himself she would either forgive him or not and he had to accept that. He had to accept his mistakes had consequences.

Then he debated on how to do it but anything but going all the way to her was wrong. If he wanted to get the girl back he had to make every effort. The more he thought about it the more determined he was to the point he was starting to pack his stuff to head to mystic falls.

"Elijah..." Hayley entered his room since the door was open but she paused once she saw how the man was packing. "What happened? you're going back home?"

"No I am..." he paused, not knowing how to say it. There hadn't been a time Elijah put his family's needs for his own needs; it was weird to him. "I'm on my way to mystic falls"

"But why..." Hayley asked, still not understanding she had forgotten all about Aurora until she did, causing her face to drop. "You're going to see her"

Elijah finally looked up noticing Hayley's face. The man had made it clear to her a lot of times he didn't want to give her false hopes. He had even tried to be more distant knowing that he had gotten too close without even noticing.

But Elijah knew who he pretended her to be. When he lost Aurora and Hayley the way she acted and her personality she resembled Aurora a lot. Elijah being as unstable as he was found comfort in being around Hayley and he knew that gave her the wrong idea and that was another thing he was not proud of.

"Hayley I've told you many times..."

"I know you did but I never thought she would come back and now you're going to her. What happens when she asks for an explanation?!" Hayley snapped, interrupting him.

"I will tell her the truth because I trust her" he replied only causing Hayley to scoff then notice Klaus at the door.

"You're allowing this?!" Hayley asked the man knowing Klaus would have a problem with it.

"Just like I allowed you to tell Jackson?" Klaus surprised Hayley she thought he would have more of a problem with it since he gave her a hard time when telling Jackson. "If he wishes to go I will not stop him. Good luck brother"

With that Klaus walked away allowing them to continue their conversation.

"Hayley you will be married in a few weeks. I apologize for the way I treated you but my heart belongs with her. I suggest you make the best of your marriage" Elijah took his bag walking past the girl.

𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦- E. Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now