Chapter 3

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AN: So, I'm not exactly sure how it works with nurses and patients, but I'm going to have Kenji be Alyssa's main nurse.

By the time Alyssa woke up again, it was the next morning. She noticed an IV in her arm and she was grateful that she had been asleep when they inserted it. She had also noticed that there was a girl in the bed next to hers.

"Oh, you're awake." The girl said. "Good morning."

"I'm guessing you're my roommate." Alyssa said.

The girl nodded. "I'm Emma." She introduced.

"Alyssa." Alyssa returned the introduction. "I mostly go by Aly."

"It's nice to meet you, Aly." Emma said.

"You too, Emma." Alyssa said. She saw that they both had been brought meal trays for breakfast.

Alyssa sighed in relief and started eating. She had been starving.

"Well, I guess that answers my question." Emma murmured to herself, but Alyssa heard.

"What?" She asked.

Emma hesitated before hesitating. "I had guesses that you were anorexic." She replied.

"Why would you think that?" Alyssa asked.

"Because they put you in my room with me and I am anorexic." Emma explained.

"Oh." Alyssa said. "No, I'm anorexic. I have Type 1 Diabetes."

"I apologize. That was really rude of me to assume you were anorexic." Emma said. "I just thought."

"That since they put us in the same room, we had similar conditions?" Alyssa finished.

"Yeah. That's what they did with my two friends. They both have bone cancer." Emma said. "But, I guess it was pretty stupid of me to assume that."

"It's alright. I can see how you would think that." Alyssa said. "Are you disappointed?"

"What? No!" Emma said. "It's actually kind of nice to have a roommate." Alyssa nodded.

"Good morning, girls." Kenji said, walking into the room.

"Hi Kenji." Emma greeted. "Is it alright if I introduce Alyssa to the others and show her around?"

"I think Dr. McAndrew wants to talk to Alyssa about running some tests." Kenji said. "Maybe, you can show her around later."

"Alright." Emma said.

"Alyssa, is it alright if I take your vitals?" Kenji said.

"That's fine." Alyssa said.

"I'll leave so I'm not interrupting when Dr. McAndrew gets here." Emma said before leaving the room.

"Are you feeling better today?" Kenji asked.

"Yes." Alyssa replied.

"Well, your fever's gone. So, that's good." Kenji said. "Dr. McAndrew should by in a little bit."

Alyssa nodded.

It wasn't long before Dr. McAndrew walked into the room.

"Good morning, Alyssa." He greeted.

"Good Morning." Alyssa returned the greeting.

"How are you feeling today?" Adam asked.

"Much better." Alyssa replied.

"That's good to hear." Adam said. "So, I wanted to run some tests to gauge how ill you are."

"What kind of tests?" Alyssa asked.

"Well, the main one I want to run is an A1C test." Adam explained. "Which, in English terms, it's a test that'll show us your blood sugar levels from the past three months."

Alyssa understood what he was explaining.

"Do you still feel nauseous?" Adam asked.

"No." Alyssa replied.

"It could have just been a complication of how sick you've been." Adam said. "If you start to feel nauseous again, let us know and we'll look into seeing if it's something more."

Alyssa nodded.

"I'm going to have Kenji come in and draw some of your blood." Adam said. "Alright?"

Alyssa nodded, again.

A little bit later, Emma walked back into their room.

Kenji was just finishing up Alyssa's blood draw.

"Can I go and meet Emma's friends now?" Alyssa asked.

"That's fine." Kenji answered as he taped a piece of gauze around the sight where he drew her blood. "You just have to take the IV bag with you."

Alyssa smiled.

"Ready?" Emma asked.

"Let's go." Alyssa said, climbing out of the bed. She followed close by Emma as she showed her around.

"This is our classroom." Emma said.

"You have a classroom in the hospital?" Alyssa asked.

"Well, some of us end up staying here for a while." Emma explained. "So, the hospital has a classroom. That way we have some normalcy."

"That's great." Alyssa said.

The two continued walking.

"There's two recreation rooms. One the younger kids and one for the older kids" Emma continued. "They both have books, video games, board games, movies, and arts and craft stuff."

"Nice." Alyssa said.

They walked into the room for the older kids.

"Hey guys." Emma greeted a group of kids."

"Hey Emma." A brunette boy greeted back.

"Who's your friend?" A boy with no hair asked.

"This is my new friend, Alyssa." Emma introduced.

Alyssa noticed the boy before had crutches and his right leg was missing. She realized he saw her looking and went red with embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry for staring." Alyssa apologized.

"It's alright." The boy said. "It can be bit of a shock at first glance."

"So, what's wrong with you?" A blonde girl asked.

"Really Kara?" Emma said.

"Is that really the first thing you want to know?" Alyssa questioned. "Not 'Hi. Nice to meet you.'"

"Don't mind Kara." The brunette boy said. "It's nice to meet you, Alyssa. I'm Jordi."

"I'm Leo." The bald headed boy said. "And this is Dash."

He was referring to an African American boy."

"Sup." Dash greeted.

"It's nice to meet you all." Alyssa said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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