Chapter 1

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AN: Fair warning, I personally don't know anything about Type 1 Diabetes or much medical terminology. I'm going off of research and Google searches. If anything I put is incorrect or inaccurate, please correct me.

It was a quiet day at Ocean Park Hospital. Paramedics had brought in a teenage girl who had been vomiting.

"Page Dr. McAndrew." A nurse said.

A few minutes later, Dr. Adam McAndrew walked into the room.

"What do you have?" He asked.

"Teenage girl with persistent vomiting." A nurse replied. "She has a fever, as well."

"What's her name?" Adam asked as he attempted to examine her.

"We don't know. We haven't really been able to get anything out of her." The nurse said. "Her blood sugar's really high."

"Honey, can you tell me your name?" Adam asked the girl, who was still heaving into a bucket.

After a bit, the girl had finished heaving and fell back against the bed. She was quite exhausted and a bit out of it.

"I don't think we're going to get much out of her right now." Adam said. "Start her on some fluids. And give her a sedative to help her rest. Page me when she wakes up."

The nurses nodded.

A few hours later, the girl woke up and a minute later Dr. McAndrew walked into the room.

"Hello." He greeted her.

"Where am I?" The girl asked.

"You're at Ocean Park Hospital in California." Adam replied.

"What happened?" The girl asked.

"You were brought into the ER with a fever and persistent nausea." Adam explained. "We gave you some fluids and you were pretty out of it, so we gave you a sedative to help you rest."

The girl noticed the IV in her arm.

"Is it alright if I ask you some questions while I examine you?" Adam asked.

The girl nodded.

"What's your name?" Adam asked as he examined her."

"Alyssa Newton." The girl answered.

"It's nice to meet you, Alyssa. I'm Dr. McAndrew." Adam said. "Can you tell me how old you are?"

"Fifteen." Alyssa answered

"How are you feeling?" Adam asked.

"A bit better." Alyssa replied.

"Good." Adam said. "Is there anyone we call for you? Your parents, perhaps."

"That would require me knowing who my parents are." Alyssa said.

"I'm sorry?" Adam questioned, but then the realization came to him. "Alyssa, are you a foster kid?"
Alyssa nodded.

"What about your foster parents, then?" Adam said.

"I was in a group home." Alyssa clarified.

"Was?" Adam asked.

"I guess I'm more of a runaway." Alyssa answered.

"Could I get the name of the group home?" Adam asked. "Between the nausea, fever, and high blood sugar you had, I want to keep you here a bit longer to monitor you. Someone needs to know you're here."

"I have Type 1 Diabetes." Alyssa replied as she wrote the name of the group home down and the number. "That might explain the high blood sugar."

"You have Type 1 Diabetes?" Adam asked.

Alyssa nodded.

"I've been shuffled around to so many different foster and group homes that's it's been difficult for me to manage it on my own." She explained. "I've been hospitalized quite a few times over the years."

"Hang tight for a minute, Alyssa." Adam said.

"I'll be right back." Alyssa nodded, again.

Dr. McAndrew started looking up Alyssa's file in the system. When he found it, he read it through.

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