2. Woman of the Shadows

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I can't stop seeing father 8 feet in the air, his body slowly falling to the ground as he smiles. I guess he knows he will be dining with the Gods in Valhalla. After 3 days our migration to the nearby town was in sight. As I think about father I snap back to reality and realize mother is looking at me with a hurt look. Could she know? Does she think I left him for dead? Fenrir you look sick my love, has Loki been on your mind? Hela asks worryingly. Nothing Woman just keep moving and I'll worry about myself, Fenrir said angrily. Hela Throws a axe and nicks Fenrir's ear. Have you gone lost your mind woman! Fenrir shouts. You Bastard how dare you take my Varg away from me, I should have your head! How dare you take the opportunity to die by my Varg's side in battle! Mother, he gave me clear instructions to lead the evacuation and leave him behi-, Hela slaps Fenrir. You're a coward, and a mouse, I'm going back for him.  "Mother if you leave now, you too will parish keep moving with us as to not dishonor father's wishes." Fenrir said sternly. "To hell with your father's wishes, he doesn't get to leave without me by his side, and I intend to do so." Hela walks away axe in hand, back to Varg's resting place. 

"Fenrir... do you wish for us to stop her?" Asks one of the council men. "No, Targuard is just over this hill and the winds are picking up, best if we hurry on our way, so we can get situated. Fenrir and his clan walk into Targuard, no person in sight, and no animals in sight, blood stains the snow, and ashes fill the air. "Targuard has already fallen?" Fenrir looks in despair. No matter! begin setting up camp we will build Targuard back up tomorrow. Night falls as a blizzard begins, the camp is set up and all is quiet. Fenrir alone in the jarl tent ponders what to do next, but he can't, as he is burdened with the death of his father, his mother leaving the clan and him doing nothing about it, what is he to do now, he thinks to himself. The crunching of snow is heard outside the tent, but as he stands to check it, the sound runs off. He picks his axe up not knowing if its a scout or not and follows the footprints. After examining the prints, he sees they are prints of a wolf, he looks up at the direction it went and sees its shadowy figure stalking him in the distance. He runs after it as they need more pelts for blankets to help the village, as to not gain hypothermia. The beast does the same and runs off to a nearby forest.

Fenrir finds the wolf sitting in the ruins of an old temple for the God Fenrir, son of Loki. What do you desire beast? why guide me to a place of worship, is this where you wish to die? says Fenrir with a grin. The Beast begins to shift its form, it is a woman. What in the name of Odin? he falls back, as she walks forward, and torches like in the temple. Are you a messenger from the God Fenrir? No, I am but a survivor of the history your clan has forgotten. "What do you mean witch, there are no records of beasts such as you." Oh, but there are but they are more of records that need to be given to you, something your father failed to do. The woman snickered as she looked Fenrir up and down. "Whatever it is you need i do not have it... "said Fenrir as he looked her in the eyes with sorrow. Oh no this isn't about you giving me something, this is more of me introducing myself and your history. She came closer, and closer, she reached up for his face and passionately kissed him, at first Fenrir was shocked, but he gave in and did it back. Fenrir has visions of the past A God being cursed to have children that are not human nor beast, but an abomination, images are seen of a seemingly human turning into a beast and slaughtering a village. An eye pier into Fenrir's soul, he pulls away. "What was that for?" Well i can only give you those memories if I'm touching you. She said with a grin. "Why'd you kiss me then?" Fenrir asked suspiciously. "So many questions all the wrong ones my love, I'll be off now I'll see you around lover." She turns to leave but Fenrir grabs her hand and says, "what is your name cursed one? Freydis, now i would love to spend the night but I've worked up and appetite, she says wiping blood from her hands. She transforms and leaves Fenrir.  He goes to leave and finds many bodies of bears and wolfs piled on the ground. he binds them all together and pulls them back to the camp as to skin them, not knowing what to do even more now as Freydis is all he can think about now.

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