Chapter 4

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After school, the group of friends walked together to the front gate as they all planned to have an amazing day together, hanging out with their new friend.

"I think you'll love Grayson and Sarah." Jackie said with a smile. "They're fun people."

"I think Sarah is too serious." Michael said. "I mean, what does she do that's so important?"

"Well, she's a guardian, right?" Chelsea asked. "You did mention that."

"A guardian of what, though?" Harmony scoffed. "That I never understood."

"Who cares?" Jackie said. "They're our friends, so we have to support whatever they do."

"No, we don't." Harmony said.

"But Grayson is cool, too." Alex said. "He's not as obnoxious about guardian stuff."

"But still kind of a weirdo when it comes down to it." Ryan said.

"They're great, trust me." Jackie said, turning to Chelsea. "You'll enjoy their company."

"And Grayson will enjoy yours." Zoey said.

"Oh, don't be like that, Z." Jackie said. "Just cause he's older and friends with high-schoolers, doesn't automatically make him what you may see him as sometimes."

"Um. . . how much older is he, exactly?" Chelsea asked.

"He's in his twenties." Jackie said.

"Yikes. . . that's kind of strange." Chelsea said. "And you're comfortable around this dude?"

"That's what I've been saying." Harmony said.

"And Sarah?" Chelsea asked.

"You sure ask a lot of questions." Marshall said. "What's it to you, anyway?"

"I just want to know my peers, that's all." Chelsea said.

"Oh, you'll be knowing us alright." Zoey smirked. "Maybe even more than our faces."

"Ew, Z!" Jackie said, with a playful smile on her face. "You're so weird and gross, sometimes."

"Hey, I can't help it." Zoey said. "Hot girl. . . hot guy. . . it doesn't matter to me, you know?"

"Yeah. . . we know." Marshall said with a sigh. "You flirt with everyone you think is hot."

Chelsea blushed as she heard that, knowing the implications based on what the others were saying about the black haired girl.

"Well, what can I say?" Zoey said. "Chelsea is hot and she knows it."


And she's totally right, but still.


"So, here we are." Jackie said. "Welcome to La Casa de Luna. . . or The House Of Moon."

"Well, it's nice, I suppose." Chelsea said.

"I already texted Grayson and Sarah to be here." Jackie said. "For now, let's go on inside."

With that said, the friends all went inside of Jackie's house, where her Aunt Mary greeted them.

"Hey, Jackie." Mary said with a smile from the kitchen. "How was school?"

"It was great." Jackie said with a smile. "I made a new friend."

"I see that." Mary said. "So, who's the pretty little lady?"

"I'm Chelsea." Chelsea said. "It's nice you meet you."

"I'm Mary." Mary said. "And it's nice to meet you too. Are you all going out back?"

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