Chapter 2

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Jackie made her way over to where her boyfriend was standing, waiting for her. When she finally managed to get through the crowd, she met up with a young man with orange hair with yellow streaks in it, emerald green eyes, and wears a dark grey jacket over a yellow t-shirt, blue jeans, and black sneakers. His name is Ryan.


He's my boyfriend. He's so sweet and caring to me. And since he was on vacation all of spring break, I was looking forward to finally spending more time with him.


"Ah, there's my beautiful princess in shining midriff." Ryan smirked as he saw her walk his way.

Jackie instantly pushed herself into his arms and looked up at him with a pouty face as her cheeks were puffed out. "I missed you, you idiot." She said, trying not to look too excited.


Before you say anything, no. I'm not a tsundere. I've been told that I get excited too easily and it freaks out my friends and Aunt sometimes. Harmony even said that I'm like a puppy who just got adopted or a kitten on catnip. So, this is how I manage to keep my composure.


Ryan chuckled. "Oh, you're so cute when you act like this." He said.

"It's not my fault." Jackie pouted more. "I freak my friends out when I get too happy. It's weird."

"Well. . . you're loved by me, no matter what." Ryan said with a smile. "Plus, you deserve to get excited. It's something we all feel at some point."

"Yeah. . . I guess." Jackie said with a small smile. "Anyway, how was your vacation?"

"It was nice." Ryan said. "But you know what I didn't like?"

"What?" Jackie asked.

"That you weren't there with me." Ryan said.

"Oh, you." Jackie said with a smile, before going in for a kiss.

The two of them locked lips for a little bit and spent some time kissing each other in the hallway.

"Barf!" The voice of Zoey said, causing the two lovers to stop and look over at her.

"Zoey!" Jackie said, sounding annoyed.

"Sorry, but I'm not about to watch you two swap saliva in the school hallway." Zoey said. "That's what your bedroom is for."

Jackie blushed a bit from that comment. "Not cool. . ." She said.

Suddenly, another young man came up to them. He had short brown hair, brown eyes, and was wearing a grey shirt, black pants, and black boots. His name is Tristan.


Tristan is Ryan's best friend. They're bros. He's cool.


"Hey, Ryan. Jackie. . . Zoey. . ." Tristan said. "How's it going?"

"Sup, my dude." Ryan said, giving his best bro a hug. "How was your vacation?"

"It was great." Ryan said. "I had a fun time."

"Hey, Tristan." Jackie said. "Did you do anything fun?"

"Meh. . . it's was kind of boring." Tristan said.

"Boring? Don't you have, like. . . three different girlfriends?" Zoey asked. "How is that boring?"

"I actually broke up with one of them." Tristan said. "And I ghosted the other two."

"Don't they go to this school too?" Zoey asked.

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