Chapter 3

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So, it was class time. Unfortunately, I don't have first period with any of my friends, but that's fine. It's nice to stay focused and get work done without having to worry about distracting myself with conversation. Not that teachers allow that, anyway.

But this day was going to be different for me. And I wouldn't know, until this very moment.


"Good morning, class." The teacher said with a smile. "Today we're going to start the day with an introduction."

'An introduction?' Jackie thought to herself. 'A new student perhaps?'

At that moment, the door opened and a teenage girl with long black hair walked through. Her eyes were greener than a forest and her outfit consisted of a dark green crop top, a forest green mini jacket, grey pants, and black heeled boots.

"This is Chelsea Hunter." The teacher said. "Everyone, give her a warm welcome."

"Welcome, Chelsea." The class all said at once.

"She's hot!" A random teenage boy said from the the back of the class, causing everyone to laugh.

"Now, let's keep it appropriate." The teacher said. "Chelsea, why don't you take a seat?"

"Thank you, ma'am." Chelsea said as she went to the first empty seat she saw.

And that empty seat just so happened to be next to Jackie.

'O. . . M. . . G! The new girl is sitting next to me!' Jackie thought to herself. 'What do I do? Do I introduce myself to her?'

"Now, everyone turn to page 69 in your textbooks." The teacher said.

"Nice!" The same teenage boy from before shouted from the back, making everyone laugh again.

"Okay, real mature." The teacher said, rolling her eyes. "Just read the chapter and then turn to a partner and discuss what you read."

With that said, the teacher sat back at her desk as everyone immediately began to talk amongst each other. Was it about the text? Of course not. No one cares about the schoolwork, they just want to talk. That's just high school. But the teacher didn't seem to care.

Jackie began to feel extra nervous with the new girl sitting next to her. She didn't know what to say or do in this situation.


I may be popular, but that doesn't mean I'm perfect. Even I get nervous around others that I don't know. But what was I supposed to do? I didn't want to make a fool of myself in front of the new girl.


"Hi, I'm Chelsea, as you heard." Chelsea said, turning to Jackie. "Can I be your partner for the reading?"

Jackie blushed as she tensed up, not knowing what to do.

"Sorry, I'm very social." Chelsea said. "I like to talk to people. If you're uncomfortable, then-"

"Oh no, you're fine." Chelsea said. "It's just that. . . you're so pretty."

"Oh. . . well, thank you." Chelsea said, blushing a bit. "You're quite pretty yourself."

"I'm Jackie." Jackie said, introducing herself. "Jackie Moon."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Jackie." Chelsea said with a smile. "I'll trust that we'll get along just fine."

"Y-Yeah. . . I sure hope so." Jackie said.

"Do you have any friends?" Jackie asked. "Not meaning that in a rude way, I'm just curious."

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