Internet Buffs Season 1 Ep. 14 - Easter Egg Hunt (Script)

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(NOTE: The opening scene has nothing to do with the rest of the episode). The scene starts with the girls at Fern's house. Fern is eating a chocolate bunny.

Fern: Mmm! Man, I love these!

Kathy: Why do you have a chocolate bunny already? It's not even Easter yet.

Fern: My mom said I could have an early treat. So here it is!

Kathy: Okay, I don't wanna see any chocolate chunks in your teeth. And besides, why don't you give me some?

Fern: Because it's mine.

Kathy (walking over): Fern.. (pointing at box) it clearly says on the box "easy to snap and share."

Fern stares at Kathy.

Fern: You know what else is easy to snap? Your neck, if you touch my chocolate!

Kathy backs away as Fern continues to eat.

*Theme Song*

The scene cuts to Kathy vlogging at school.

Kathy: Hey, guys! It's Kathy, and today, my school is having an Easter egg hunt! And guess what? I'm in charge of hiding the eggs! Although, they're not actual eggs; (holding up egg) just little chocolate ones, which, (chuckles) in my opinion, is not what we should be handing out this time of year. I mean, come on; after a season of being sluggish from the winter, we should be eating healthier foods, like real eggs! (Fern slowly creeps up behind Kathy) As long as you cook them, after all! You know, hard-boiled eggs contain choline, which is good for cellular maintenance and growth!

Fern (startling Kathy): Why do I give you the camera?

Kathy (putting the camera down): Fern! Don't do that!

Fern: Well, don't educate our audience on the nutrition of eggs! I don't care how much chlorine they contain!

Kathy puts her hands on her hips.

Kathy: It's CHOLINE. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll get back to my vlog. (Talking to the camera) Anyway, I'm making this video so that people in the future can see where I put all of the chocolate eggs. So-

Fern: That's another thing; why would you use REAL eggs? They stink, and they break easily. Chocolate eggs are way more ideal.

Kathy: Fern, please! I really need to hide these eggs! The egg hunt is only in an hour!

Fern: Fine, fine. I'll just stand quietly while you hide all the eggs.

Kathy: Uhhhhh, nuh-uh! I'm the only person who's supposed to know where the eggs go. Besides, shouldn't you be in class?

Fern: Shouldn't YOU be in class?

Kathy: I was excused for this period.

Fern: ...Oh. Thought I was gonna get a different response with that one, but okay.

Kathy: Fern!

Fern: Alright, I'm going. (Putting hand in Kathy's basket) But I'm stealing one of these eggs!

Kathy (As Fern eats it): Fern!

Fern (shrugging): Eh. Maybe two.

Fern reaches for another, but Kathy pulls the basket away. She motions Fern to go away, and Fern walks away. The scene cuts to the beginning of the Easter egg hunt.

Mrs. Canes (Principal): Okay, everybody, we are gonna get started with our Easter egg hunt. The eggs were hidden by our very own Kathy Rose...

Kathy smiles at the crowd.

Internet Buffs Season 1 Ep. 14 - Easter Egg Hunt (Script)Where stories live. Discover now