X | Numb

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When I returned back to the base, I had no will to check in. I just wanted to forget everything. I wanted to be numb.

I pulled into the parking area, noticing Soap and Ghost waiting for me. I could tell Ghost was still in a lot of pain, but he came anyway. When I climbed out of the car, I didn't look at either of them, I ignored Soap when he tried to ask me how it went. I opened the back door and then walked to the trunk to gather the weapons I'd used. I stopped and looked at the crossbow I'd insisted on grabbing.. I didn't even use it.

The two men approached the back door, Soap tilting his head slightly to see inside. They both stopped in their tracks once they realized Fenrir hadn't gotten up to greet them. Ghost stepped forward after a moment, looking closer at the blood that stained Fenrir's fur. When I looked back at them, Ghost had a distant look in his eyes, then he looked towards me and then cleared his throat.

"MacTavish, unload the vehicle for Y/n." His eyes flicked over to Soap, who seemed to know immediately what was going to happen. The Scotsman rushed over and grabbed the weapons from my hand and off of my back. I heard a soft 'I'm sorry' before he turned to leave.

Ghost reached into the back seat, lifting Fenrir out of the vehicle. He was being as careful as he could.

"I couldn't leave him." I said sharply, though my tone was soft. Ghost just motioned for me to follow him as he began to carry Fenrir towards the gate. He didn't even have to tell the guards to open it, they just did.

Ghost led me towards the tree line behind the base, he didn't seem to falter in the slightest after the 15 minutes of carrying Fenrir's limp body. We came to a clearing by a stream, I noticed the many spots of disturbed soil. None of the patches were human sized, but still rather large. I then noticed the small shed Ghost was heading towards after setting Fenrir down in a patch of grass.

"What is-"

"You didn't think you were the only person who's lost a dog did you?" He looked over at me for a moment as he pulled out a shovel from the shed. He made his way over to a spot near the stream, tapping the earth with his foot until he found a soft spot. He began digging, setting each shovelful of dirt off to the side.

"Asshole.." I whispered, in response to his remark, making my way over to stand beside him. He didn't stop digging, keeping his eyes on the hole growing deeper. After a moment I smacked his shoulder gently and grabbed the shovel from his hands.

"He's my dog." I said, beginning to take over for Ghost. I didn't seem to struggle any; if I did I'd just use the anger building up inside me to push harder. Eventually the hole was deep enough. Ghost went over and picked up Fenrir again, still as careful as before. I watched him move slowly across the path, and over to me. He then lowered Fenrir into the ground, making sure he laid down in a proper position.

"Am I.. supposed to say something?" He looked over at me, I shot him a glare before I grabbed the shovel. Okay maybe I smirked at that too. I began to replaced the dirt, watching as each pile covered Fenrir until he was unable to be seen. The hole had been filled completely, the only evidence of it being messed with was the fact there was a dirt patch in an area with grass.

"What happened?" He asked, I leaned the shovel against a nearby tree.

"Asshole got to him.. knife in the neck." I explained briefly, crossing my arms as I fixed my eyes on the ground. My breathing was shallow, and it was clear I wasn't in the mood to talk. Ghost understood that all too well.

He took place next to me, his hands clasped in front of him in a neat manner. Occasionally he'd steal a glance over to me, but I never returned it. We stood there for a few minutes before he set his hand on my back, sliding it down to my waist before leading me away.

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