I | "She's Gone." (Ghost POV)

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I will forever hold you, Simon Riley, in my heart. And I will always wonder what could've been.


I stood by the now empty bed, the paper trembled in my hand as I struggled to comprehend what she'd said. I gave her my heart.. I was honest with her, and she just left. Without even saying goodbye. I released a huff of breath before I quickly turned and clothed myself, pulling on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, throwing my boots on without even tying them. I held the note in my hands as I ran down the halls and down stairs, I stopped on the porch. Tire tracks on the ground, headlights down the road.

My chest heaved with each breath, I couldn't believe my eyes. I didn't want to believe them. I crumpled the note in my hand and threw it to the ground, mud staining the paper. I stormed back into the house, Gaz and Soap must've been woken by the noise of me running. The both stood by the stairs, looking confused.

"She fuckin left." I grumbled, slamming the door behind me. My mask hid the expression I had, one of pure anger and hurt. Without thinking I turned and slammed my fist into the wall, leaving a hole on impact. I hissed in pain, shaking my hand after, and picking some pieces of wood from my knuckles. Soap approached, placing his hand on my shoulder. I quickly pushed him off, followed by a grunt of disapproval.

"What do you mean 'left'? She just.. left us? Took the car and drove off?" Soap questioned, making me roll my eyes and respond in a snarky manner.

"It's almost like that's the fucking definition." I pushed past Soap and Gaz, upstairs to my bedroom. I heard Gaz calling after me, but I chose to ignore it. I wasn't going to deal with this, not now anyways.

"We'll leave at Sunrise, gotta get back and get her fucking room cleaned out." I shouted, slamming my door shut after. Fucking hell.

3 months later

With my rifle raised, I tilted my head slightly to gain a better view through the scope. Drawing in a breath, I squeezed the trigger and fired, hitting the human shaped target in the center of its head. I rotated my body to the right, repeating the steps to fire at the other target. I'd been doing this for 3 hours already, I had to change the targets out twice already. I felt a tap on my shoulder, knocking me out of my trance like state. I looked over, removing the ear protection from my head.

"Yes, MacTavish?" I asked, taking off the eyewear I'd been wearing. Soap cleared his throat, handing me a stack of papers.

"The intel on your next mission that you asked for." He said, I took the stack and flipped through a few of them. I nodded before setting them off to the side. I heard Soap clear his throat again, seeming to want my attention. I turned back towards him with a grumble.

"Yes, MacTavish?" I said again, my tone a little more annoyed than before. Soap sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, looking away for a moment.

"You've been here since training was let out, I'm starting to worry about you." He seemed genuine, I couldn't help but feel a slight wash of comfort. Slight. I raised a dismissive hand and shook my head.

"I'm fine."

"That's what you've been saying, but ever since Y/n-"

"Don't say her fucking name." I spit my words at him like venom, gritting my teeth as I spoke. His eyes widened for a moment, seeming taken aback by my reaction. I closed my eyes and let out a long and heavy breath before I shook my head.

"I'm sorry." My apology was sincere, I hadn't meant to snap at him like that.

"I know you are bud." Soap sighed, patting me on the shoulder a few times. "But it's not your fault she left."

"You don't fucking know that, Johnny." I set my firearm on the table, pinching my nose bridge. "She left me a fucking note and then vanished, who else's fault could it really be?" I scoffed, grabbing the papers and walking past him, out the door.

"I need to go, Price wants to see me." My explanation was half hearted. I heard him make a remark about having to put my things away, but I didn't care. I made my way to Prices office, knocking on the door as I approached. I heard him tell me to come in, so I did, shutting the door behind me.

"You wanted to see me sir?" I said, clearing my throat after. Why am I always the one in here.

"Yes, I did. Take a seat." He motioned to the chair across from him, I reluctantly sat down and waited for him to speak.

"As you know we've been keeping tabs on all of the local Mercs in the area, trying to find any who may know the whereabouts of Ms. Y/n." I felt a pit in my stomach at the mention of her name. I was still recovering, struggling to eat each day because of losing her. As much as I said I hated her now.. it just wasn't true.

"And?" I inquired, leaning back in my seat. "She made it clear we wouldn't be able to find her, she was trained for this type of shit." I saw a slight smirk form on Prices face beneath that damn mustache. I cocked my head to the side and raised my eyebrow.

"What did you find?" I could tell he was withholding something from me, and it was starting to get annoying. After a moment, Price opened up his drawer and dropped a file down in front of me, papers scattering along the desk. I picked up one of them, my eyes scanning over the information.

Y/N L/N, age 27, sex: female. All things you would've guessed on first encounter.

Affiliation: Misthios Organization, Rank 5 of 5.

"So she was one of their best, so what?" I set the paper down, Price passed me another one.

"Read the bottom." He began to clean up the mass of papers scattered along his desk. The paper he handed me seemed like any other file for any other person. It included her skills, specialties, what she was trained in. My gaze fell on the last sentence, making my heart drop.

Whereabouts of Y/N L/N remain undetermined. She has been classified as KIA after 2 years of being missing.

"Two years? She was just here a few months ago, that makes no sense." Price nodded, tapping his temple with a slight smirk.

"Exactly. So, we did some digging and found this," He dropped another file onto the pile. "Two years ago she was sent on a mission, a simple one really. Just kill the guy and leave, but she never came back." My eyes scanned his for a moment before I scoffed.

"So she pulled a Houdini, so what?" I adjusted my weight in the seat, Price smiled at me.

"So, I had MacTavish do some work. And he mapped out the locations she'd mentioned going to, as well as the location we'd found her in, and from that we were able to deduce where she could potentially be at now."

"With all do respect, I don't see why we're trying so hard to find her, she made her choice." I dismissed his words, I was still trying to remain composed during this conversation. Price sighed softly, clasping his hands in front of him on the desk.

"We need her and her skills for this next mission.. turns out she never completed her last job for that Organization, now her target has become a much bigger threat. She has information that we don't." He explained, his tone of voice was low, like he didn't want to admit this to me. I brought my gaze back up to him, locking eyes for a moment before I let out a heavy sigh.

"Where do I start?"

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