V | Tough Talks

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We pulled into a dirt driveway, leading up to a large building that was fenced off. As I slowed to a stop in front of the gate, I heard Ghost climb out of the passenger seat. I went to do the same, but he stopped me with one look. I sighed and called Fenrir to the front, allowing me to be able to pet him without reaching back. I watched Ghost approached the gate, another soldier approaching on the other side. The two exchanged a few words before the gate was opened. I turned on the truck and pulled forwards as Ghost instructed me to do, driving off to an empty parking spot nearby to park. I then got out, grabbing my bags and putting Fenrir in a heel, so he didn't try to run off.

Another soldier approached, taking my bags from me and instructing me to follow. We went around the building to the back, a small plane was waiting. It looked as though it was mainly used to carrying cargo to and from different bases, but it was just big enough for the two of us. Ghost climbed in, settling himself, I helped Fenrir in before following. I grabbed the handle, pulling myself up and into the plane, the door being shut moments after. I had to remain ducked down a bit, but the ride wouldn't be more than a couple of hours.

I took a seat on the only other seat in sight, it was worn out with several tears in the fabric but it'd have to do. I kept Fenrir close, and as the plane began to ascend to the sky, I made sure to hold onto his collar until we evened out.

"Fenrir huh?" Ghost broke the silence after 20 minutes, I'd been staring at the bolts on the wall for longer than I'd like to admit. It pissed me off one of them was uneven compared to the rest.

"Yeah." I said, looking down at my dog, running my fingers through his fur. I didn't continue the conversation, I didn't want to risk pissing him off. I seemed to fail though, considering he grunted at me and then spoke again.

"Like uh.. the great wolf or whatever?" He asked, I turned my head towards him and raised both eyebrows, seeming unimpressed by his sudden need for conversation.

"Yeah, or whatever. I'm going to try to get some more sleep, you kept hitting holes in the road." I grumbled, leaning my head back against the wall of the plane. I put my hood on, pulling it as far down as it could go to cover my eyes, letting my fingers aimlessly trail through Fenrirs coat until I eventually fell asleep.

I woke to the sound of banging on the door of the plane, jolting my body awake at the noise. I quickly took my hood off, looking around until I realized where I was. I looked down to see a coat laid across my chest, and pulled up over my shoulders. I picked it up and examined it, noticing the TF-141 patch stitched on. I narrowed my eyes before I looked over to the now opened door, seeing Ghost without his jacket on as he spoke to Soap. I got out of my seat, waking the sleeping dog beside me and climbing out.

"Y/n!" Gaz ran over to greet me, engulfing me in a hug before I had the chance to say hi. I hugged him back of course, pulling away and patting his shoulder.

"Hey Gaz, nice to see you again." I hummed, a smile on my face. I turned to see Soap coming my way, arms wide open for yet another hug. He wrapped his arms around me, lifting me into the air with a spin before setting me back down. I hadn't expected it, so I gripped him tightly and tried not to squeal at the sudden movement.

"I've missed 'ya, Y/n. Couldn't have left a note for the whole of us huh?" Soap joked as he let me down, I stumbled slightly as I landed on the uneven terrain. Gaz punched his shoulder, giving a warning look as Ghost approached. He crossed his arms, until he noticed I was trying to hand him his jacket. He took it, and slung it over his shoulder before motioning for a few recruits to get my bags.

"Price wants to see you." Ghost grumbled, leading me through the doors. It was the same base as before, yet it felt strange being back. I had no intentions of ever returning. Eyes followed me as I walked through the halls, whispers of incoherent conversations as I passed. We eventually found ourselves at Prices door, Ghost opening it without knocking. I stepped in and he shut the door after, leaving just me and Price in the room.

"Hello, sir." I greeted him, but he looked pissed beyond belief. He motioned for me to sit, so I did. Fenrir waited by the door, watching my every move as he panted.

"Usually there are a lot more consequences to going AWOL." He started, grabbing a file From his drawer and setting it down onto the desk. "But we need you, so I'm deciding to let it slide for now." He slid the file towards me. I could feel the tension in the air, I knew fully that I was going to be punished at some point.

I picked up the file, skimming through it. The brief pieces I read were all too familiar, my eye twitching at the memory. I flipped the file to the cover again, reading my name in bold lettering.

"So you know who I am." I said, tossing the file onto the desk again. "Why am I back here Price? If you know where I came from, then you know why I left."

"Because you were afraid." He stood up, leaning against the desk. "I do believe we had made it clear that you were part of the team, no matter what your past was. We welcomed you wholeheartedly and you decided to run. That doesn't fly here, do you understand me." His tone was harsh, I'd never seen him this angry. In fact.. he seemed almost disappointed. I looked down to my hands in my lap, sighing heavily with a nod.

"I can't hear you, do you understand me Y/n. You go AWOL again, and the next time we find you it won't be Ghost that finds you. We have enough reason to kill you on sight." He spit with his words that time, I flinched and turned my head away, whispering a yes. Fenrir whined, making Price look towards him.

"The dog trained?" He asked, looking back at me. I nodded, biting my lip as I picked at the skin on my thumbs.

"Yes.. I trained him myself. He's.. never been in a gun fight but I did desensitize him to the sounds." I clarified, Price nodded slowly. He then looked at his watch and grumbled something.

"I have a meeting to get the paperwork for clearing your little stunt. I want to see you first thing in the morning tomorrow, 6 o'clock sharp. No later, do you copy." Price motioned for me to stand.

"Yes.." I stood and immediately turned to walk away, I heard a sigh come from Price as I came close to the door.

"Y/n." He called my name, I turned to look at him. "I'm glad you're safe. Have a good night." With that, I left the room, Fenrir at my heels. I walked through the halls until I eventually found my old room. I looked up from the floor to see Ghost standing there with crossed arms. He then opened my door and walked inside, I stopped and stood there for a moment before following. I entered the room and shut the door, looking over at Ghost who was standing by my dresser.

"If I am going to have to work with you again, I need you to tell me why the hell you left." He stood with a stiff posture, eyes glued to mine. I could tell that under his mask, he had a stoic expression.

"Can we do this another time Ghost, I just got lectured by Price." I groaned, walking over to my bed and sitting down. The mattress was as stiff as I remembered it to be, I remember being so happy that the bed at the safe house was so nice.

"That wasn't a lecture, that was a stern talk. So, as far as I'm concerned you can tell me why you left." He stepped forward, standing a few feet in front of me. I leaned forwards and rested my head in my hands, trying to keep myself calm.

"You know what Ghost?" I scoffed. "I left because I couldn't stand the thought of being with you. And not because you're a shit person, but because I am. You are broken enough, you don't need me causing any more damage." I looked up at him, I pained look in my eyes.

Ghost stood there for a moment before clenching his fist tight. I could tell I'd struck a cord.

"Fuck you." He spat, turning to leave. He slammed the door, causing me to flinch. After a moment I laid back and sighed. Fuck you Ghost.

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