"What? I am not some twelve year not to know and I am growing up so stop calling me Little or Kid all the time and don't ruffle my hair always, that Killian started doing it too"

"You do not like him?"
"I don't like him nor do I hate him, common he is innocent Glyn's boyfriend afterall, though I want to teach Jermey a lesson which me and Annie definitely will"

"You want to?"
"Ofcourse Lan, Since the time I have known he made Ava sad, I want to punch him badly, and he even grabbed Annie's hand pulling her harshly and threw her in room, forcing her to stay at Heathens"
She said handing him her comb sitting on the ground and Lan sat on the couch.

I stare at them silently as Spawn and Bran shook their heads and another Scream came from her and she pushed them away coming to us.

But he pulled her from her hair and all of us started laughing.

"There you go again"
Bran said and she threw the nearest box present in their direction.

"I will kick you guys"
"Sure do"
Eli said but she threw cushion on his face and ran in our direction, as soon as her eyes met mine
She stopped for a moment but I go to her taking her comb. And held her delicate hand.

"Stop it"
She said slowly and I approach her again as she moved back

"What are you doing Rems?"
"I will help her with her hair, she needs to leave soon else she will be late to class"
I said turning her around to her room and felt stares on me, I already know whom they belong to.

"Sit on bed so-"
My phone rang and saw Dad calling me, I step away from her who is trying to comb her long hair.

"Be right back"
I said and she nodded her head peaking at my phone.

"Its Dad"
"Uncle Ronan"
She said hyper actively and before I know anything she picked up the call and started speaking with him

"Hello, Ron"
"No, way! I didn't forget, I still have an outing pending with you"

What outing?

"No, no, forgot about them, they are so posessive, I really can't believe they did that"
Did what?

"Anyway, how is My Aunt?"
"Duh! Its obvious"
"Yeah he is standing right beside me, a narcissist and a drag"
Did she just call my Lordship a narcissist? And a drag? She has to stop using that word.

She handed me my phone and I stepped aside to speak with my dad keeping an eye on her. She is mostly in jeans and coats. Even todays she is wearing a black jeans and grey, oh mud black off shoulder top. Does she like dresses with off shoulders?

"Remi? Son?"
"Yeah dad I am here"

"Is everything Okay? You aren't speaking much these days Teal is worried and she said you are going to die single, with your personality"
I shook my head to myself and repiled to dad

"Ofcourse not dad, I am okay and everything is okay too"

I look at Ariella who has stuck her hair in comb and threw herself on sofa with frustration and I laugh at her

"You are laughing?"
"Yeah give me a min dad"
He just hummed as I kept my mobile aside and picked Ariella causing her to squeak.

"Why do you always pick me up"
She said trying to push me, but I didn't budge

"Answer me"
She said poking my cheek

"Hey you shouldn't ignore me"
I laugh at her, I can't even if I want too

"Stop spoiling your hair, let me do it"
"I don't like others making my hair except for few"

"You would let Eli and Lan do it"
I said with sarcam and she shook her

God of Desire: RemiXAriella Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ