A confrontation was long due

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Rain pattered against the windows heavily, A tall figure stood beside the wall, a cup of steaming hot tea in hand.

"It's not going to stop anytime soon." Rohail, my boss predicted glancing at me.

I kept shuffling papers and typing away on my laptop, anything that showed I am busy and not up for conversation.

"If only you weren't that stubborn Miss Maliha, really what's the trouble in that? Where do you live?"

I looked up from my laptop and sat back.

"No please, Someone would be here anytime to pick me up."

"Okay I'll keep waiting. The boss leaves after everyone you know." He winked.

I controlled the urge to roll my eyes. This day had not been going particularly well for me. Our car was getting fixed after an accident yesterday night, courtesy of Maya Javaid, new to the driving world and just simply un bothered about doing anything responsibly. She pretended to faint everytime my parents gave the slightest hint that the scolding session might start now and everytime someone brought that up she'd say "Is it too hard to understand I am going through a trauma, didn't know my life has no value over a car."

Then my overly annoying colleagues Ayesha and Salman happened to be more annoying today.

"Did I tell you that this month someone might be getting a pay raise?"

"Yes you did Ayesha, quite a few times actually."

"It would be certainly you."

I fought back the urge to snap and craned my neck slightly towards her direction.

"And may I ask how did this information find its way to you?"

Salman and Ayesha looked at each other in that way that always infuriated me.

"I don't know, Sir seems to have a soft corner for you."

"Ayesha, I think I need to clarify once again that any leniency shown towards me is only because of my work here, and speaking of work, it's high time you improve your grammar, so my life would be a bit easier. I need to remind you that my job is proof reading, not editing from scratch. I am basically doing your job too."

I stood and picked my laptop and papers and marched towards a quieter area and fumed there in peace. That's when it started raining. And it hasn't stopped since, everyone left except me because my rides kept getting cancelled because of the rain and my phone was about to die. And it just did.

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