1 // April 17th

43 8 13

April 17th.
3:48 PM
(Time when I started writing)

Today was kind of really hard.
I was tired in school the whole time.
I was just sleeping in the breaks, so I don't miss any lessons.
There are gonna be a lot of exams in the next few weeks, and I just don't wanna fail.
My grades are okay, ig.
I got a A- in french, a B in english, and a C in german. My father wasn't really happy about the C tho. I mean, my mom was. I still have to do some homework for tomorrow, and I'm absolutely not in the mood for that now. I just wanna chill, listen to music, and read. Besides that, I still have to study for the exams in the next week. It's gonna be in maths, and something else, I don't remember right now.
I'm so tired right now.
And I have cramps. :(

Yeah that's it, ig.
Bye :)

Aras life and stuff~~~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt