chapter 3

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As if that was not enough these traitorous bitches who I call my bff are laughing...ughh

" Come here " he narrows his eyes on me "you are supposed to give the bouquets to the new students "'s thattt simple then let's do it huh !

" Ohhh "

"Atharv , Moksh, Himanshu, Saira, Kavish, Yash , guys take a  bouquet each and hand it to the people sitting on the stage , go "

"Alright"all of us say at a time.....and do just that

Anushka's pov :

As I come out of my delululu I see my handsome coming out with a bouquet....yes a bouquet in his hands...... I was soo happy when I thought it was for me but he gave it to my father ughh with a pout I erase my smiley face ....

One after another, every one gets there bouquets and since everyone receives them from a boy I thought It would be the same for me but noooo , urgh seriously the one I wanted to see the least ends up being the person who brings my bouquet, when she forwards the bouquet in my direction
In a haughty voice (*You can't be haughty eye sore* *you sounded like a whore haha *)  I say " I don't wanna receive a bouquet from a dirty person ewww........."  Scanning her up and down  " by the way you didn't wash up properly......since there is still dirt on you- oh shit sorry you are dark toned I thought there was dirt " I didn't even mean it when I apologised

As I was about to receive the bouquet she walks away with what I assume is embarrassment, which she should feel....after all every one heard it
My parents, siblings, besties and my boyfriend and his friends are soo proud of and are laughing there shit out , and I expect everyone to do the same but everyone is looking at me as if I made a mistake, a crime, a sin which I shouldn't have done
But why......I clearly did that to her because everyone were staring at her while she entered like she owns the fucking place  I thought if I want to make more friends I should humiliate the person they hate and so I did thinking that she was the hatted person....urghh whatever, it felt nice.......reminding her of her place , I think I might be overthinking too much or they are not making any expression as they don't care

If it's the later then bingo I successfully succeeded hehe.....guess I should thank my besties for teaching me this

As I was busy scanning my surroundings I didn't notice when that ugly duckling removed her shitty presence from my sight but wait.... Did she .....did she just stormed out of the auditorium, when she should have been honoured to serve us the Suryavanshi's and others....non scene creature

Rohan's pov :

What..what that fucking Disgusting cunt say just now...... before I could say something my dear straight A student dashed out , how can that disgusting cunt be so dumb. She's just a fresher and her attitude urgh......
I'll make sure to make her university life a mess.... it will be such a mess that she will have tears evey day.......
Don't worry BACCHA I'll show this disgusting cunt her fucking place .

Aakarsh's pov :

Excuse MEEE...... How dare a SLUT talk like that to my BACCHA ( child ) I watched my baccha dash out I made it my goal and told myself ; if I don't rub her face against the dirt and humiliate much, so much that she should have regrets.... and always feel inferior to you...........I'll make sure she sheds bloody tears evey day..........I promise you bachcha I show this slut her fucking place....

Advait's pov :

What the.....what did that whore just barked....... that tooo to my MY.BACCHA , my baccha even though she gives headache like no one else give she's still the behena ( sister ) I always wanted my parents to give birth to ( in simple words she is like his sister ) ,as my baccha walked away , I made it my mission to make this particular whore's university life a living hell..... I will personally make her mental state a hugeeeee messs.........baccha....l give you my word to show this whore her fucking place .


The AUDACITY of that UGLY bitch , as I watch my  baccha go ..... I stare- no glare at her .My BACCHA is so so beautiful, it's her dark toned skin which make her attractive not like you , atleast she isn't fake like you jo thop kar aati hai itna Sara makeup (who wears shit ton of makeup ) my hands would become dirty after even slightly touching your face ......heard that you wanted to make new FRIENDS and mingle in the university since you had home schooling since childhood.....and I'll be the very person to ruin just that... wait and see BACCHA I'l show this ugly bitch her fucking place.

Atharv's pov dare that piece of shit aka dirt bag say that to my personal SATAN , only I have the right to insult her , I ignored it when she was biting her lower lip and giving me fuck me eyes like seriously, has she ever seen HER FUCKING SELF in a mirror , like who would even want to fuck her , I think after fucking her my dick will dismantle itself like fuck she's just soo flat , and since she was looking at me like that I play with her , break her , push her sooo towards the edge and make her hate herself......but let me tell you this SATAN I make sure to show this dirt bag her fucking place


Flat aka boobless bobbie is sooo dead she dared to say that to MY I mean MY BESTIE..... I saw her give fuck me eyes to Atharv but like seriously who would like to be with her.........I think even he wouldn't toy with her shes soo unattractive like hell she's so so so ugly I'll make sure to kill her mentally, oh a nice Idea we wanted some karen to take all of our blames , so be it....since you made it your goal to turn me as your enemy I'll do just that , I saw you smiling when you were sitting on that chair , so MISS . FLAT let me show you that you will leave this uni with dipression, I promise you PAGAL that I will show this boobless bobbie her place

Himanshu's pov :

Wet socks aka trash surely sky rocketed at the top of my shit seriously , how can she say that to MY BESTIE , ugh such a waste of a body she is , looking at her she looked like a innocent girl little did I know that she's just a Beauty WITHOUT FUCKING BRINS......when  prof.Shivay was reading her admission form I glanced at it and it said she wanted to make new friends, like hell she will be , that too in my prescence.... I'll make sure you have both several mental health issues........
And phisical health issues and make your uni live a disaster.....I promise you PAGAL that I'll show this wet socks her fucking place ....

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